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The Global Economy and Its Economic Systems

The Global Economy and Its Economic Systems

Since the first edition of this book in 1975 (previously titled Comparing Economic Systems in the Twenty-First Century), this market-leading title has examined different economies in theory and practice. This edition represents a complete revision and a significant expansion of the previous (2004) edition. The authors have completely rewritten and...
Tania Książka
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Diego Velazquez. Wielka kolekcja sławnych malarzy. Tom 8

Diego Velazquez. Wielka kolekcja sławnych malarzy. Tom 8


Autor: praca zbiorowa

Wydawnictwo: Literat
ISBN: 8374254947
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
Wielkoformatowy album w twardej, lakierowanej okładce z doskonałej jakości reprodukcjami na papierze kredowym. Diego Velazquez należy nie tylko do najważniejszych malarzy nowożytnej Hiszpanii, ale także do najwybitniejszych artystów Europy XVII wieku. Wielki talent i oryginalny styl stawiają go w rzędzie takich osobowości w sztuce, jak Tycjan,...
Tania Książka
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Stumbling Giant

Stumbling Giant

While dozens of recent books and articles have predicted the near-certainty of China's rise to global supremacy, this book boldly counters such widely-held assumptions. Timothy Beardson brings to light the daunting array of challenges that today confront China, as well as the inadequacy of leadership's responses. Threats to China come from many...
Tania Książka
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Pesticide Application Methods

Pesticide Application Methods

Professor Graham Matthews has been joined by two new co-authors to increase the breadth and depth of coverage in this updated edition of Pesticide Application Methods; the standard work on the application of pesticides, providing vital information for all professionals involved in crop production and crop protection. As the world's population...
Tania Książka
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The 10 Principles of Open Business

The 10 Principles of Open Business

The revolutionary power of the internet has accelerated the demand for a totally new kind of business. Stakeholders now demand more open, connected and meaningful relationships with organizations, and the world's leading brands are taking note. But whilst many have the ambition to become Open Businesses, few have the ability to get there. The 10...
Tania Książka
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Credit Risk Management

Credit Risk Management

The importance of managing credit and credit risks carefully and appropriately cannot be overestimated. The very success or failure of a bank and the banking industry in general may well depend on how credit risk is handled.§Banking professionals must be fully versed in the risks associated with credit operations and how to manage those risks....
Tania Książka
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