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The Complete Systemic Supervisor

The Complete Systemic Supervisor


Autor: Thomas C. Todd

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781118508978
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Psychologia
This new edition of the definitive text on systemic clinical supervision has been fully updated and now includes a range of practical online resources. Fresh edition of the definitive text on systemic clinical supervision, fully updated and revised, with a wealth of case studies throughout Supported by a range of practical online resources New...
Tania Książka
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Statistics for Mining Engineering

Statistics for Mining Engineering


Autor: Jacek M. Czaplicki

Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.
ISBN: 9781138001138
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Many areas of mining engineering gather and use statistical information, provided by observing the actual operation of equipment, their systems, the development of mining works, surface subsidence that accompanies underground mining, displacement of rocks surrounding surface pits and underground drives and longwalls, amongst others. In addition,...
Tania Książka
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Karty pracy. Przygoda z uśmiechem. Roczne przygotowanie przedszkolne. Sześciolatki. Część 3 - edukacja przedszkolna

Karty pracy. Przygoda z uśmiechem. Roczne przygotowanie przedszkolne. Sześciolatki. Część 3 - edukacja przedszkolna

Przygoda z uśmiechem ułatwia starszakom przygotowanie się do nauki w szkole - kształci umiejętności, od których zależy m. in. dobry start w nauce czytania i pisania. Wspiera ciekawość, aktywność i samodzielność dziecka, uczy wrażliwości na sztukę i zachęca do podejmowania prób ekspresji plastycznej.Karty pracy zawierają różnorodne propozycje:...
Tania Książka
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This book presents sloshing with marine and land-based applications, with a focus on ship tanks. It also includes the nonlinear multimodal method developed by the authors and an introduction to computational fluid dynamics. Emphasis is also placed on rational and simplified methods, including several experimental results. Topics of special interest...
Tania Książka
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Large-scale Solar Power Systems

Large-scale Solar Power Systems

This book is a comprehensive discussion and economic analysis of large-scale solar power systems, specifically referencing critical issues related to design construction and financing. The book provides practical design, installation, and financing guidelines for large-scale commercial and industrial solar power projects. Engineering design and...
Tania Książka
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Novel Porous Media Formulation for Multiphase Flow Conservation Equations

Novel Porous Media Formulation for Multiphase Flow Conservation Equations

William T. Sha first proposed the novel porous media formulation in an article in Nuclear Engineering and Design in 1980. The novel porous media formulation represented a new, flexible and unified approach to solve real-world engineering problems. It uses the concept of volume porosity, directional surface porosities, distributed resistance and...
Tania Książka
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