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Iron and Steel

Iron and Steel

This book is intended both as a resource for engineers and as an introduction to the layman about our most important metal system. After an introduction that deals with the history and refining of iron and steel, the rest of the book examines their physical properties and metallurgy. To elaborate on the importance of iron and steel, we can refer to...
Tania Książka
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Clinical Practice in Ophthalmology

Clinical Practice in Ophthalmology

The value of this book lies in the quality and expertise of the authors of the selected subjects. The authors have presented the material to provide the reader with a quick but comprehensive review of he major ophthalmological issues.Current approach to common ophthalmic disordersLatest therapeutic regimes for medical diseasesLatest surgical...
Tania Książka
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An Introduction to the Engineering of Fast Nuclear Reactors

An Introduction to the Engineering of Fast Nuclear Reactors

An invaluable resource for both graduate-level engineering students and practising nuclear engineers who want to expand their knowledge of fast nuclear reactors, the reactors of the future! This book is a concise yet comprehensive introduction to all aspects of fast reactor engineering. It covers topics including neutron physics; neutron flux...
Tania Książka
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Internet Privacy Rights

Internet Privacy Rights

Internet Privacy Rights analyses the current threats to our online autonomy and privacy and proposes a new model for the gathering, retention and use of personal data. Key to the model is the development of specific privacy rights: a right to roam the internet with privacy, a right to monitor the monitors, a right to delete personal data and a...
Tania Książka
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Noncircular Gears

Noncircular Gears

Noncircular Gears: Design and Generation represents the extension of the modern theory of gearing applied to the design and manufacture of the main types of noncircular gears: conventional and modified elliptical gears, eccentric gears, oval gears, gears with lobes, and twisted gears. This book is enhanced by updated theoretical description of the...
Tania Książka
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Power System Relaying

Power System Relaying


Autor: James K. Niemira

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781118662007
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
With emphasis on power system protection from the network operator perspective, this classic textbook explains the fundamentals of relaying and power system phenomena including stability, protection and reliability. The fourth edition brings coverage up-to-date with important advancements in protective relaying due to significant changes in the...
Tania Książka
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