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Introduction to Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity

Introduction to Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity

This text provides an introduction to structural dynamics and aeroelasticity, with an emphasis on conventional aircraft. The primary areas considered are structural dynamics, static aeroelasticity and dynamic aeroelasticity. The structural dynamics material emphasizes vibration, the modal representation and dynamic response. Aeroelastic phenomena...
Tania Książka
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The Geometrical Language of Continuum Mechanics

The Geometrical Language of Continuum Mechanics

Epstein presents the fundamental concepts of modern differential geometry within the framework of continuum mechanics. Divided into three parts of roughly equal length, the book opens with a motivational chapter to impress upon the reader that differential geometry is indeed the natural language of continuum mechanics or, better still, that the...
Tania Książka
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Shock Wave-boundary-layer Interactions

Shock Wave-boundary-layer Interactions


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781107646537
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Shock wave-boundary-layer interaction (SBLI) is a fundamental phenomenon in gas dynamics that is observed in many practical situations, ranging from transonic aircraft wings to hypersonic vehicles and engines. SBLIs have the potential to pose serious problems in a flowfield; hence they often prove to be a critical - or even design limiting - issue...
Tania Książka
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A Course in Mathematical Analysis: Volume 3, Complex Analysis, Lebesgue Measure and the Lebesgue Int

A Course in Mathematical Analysis: Volume 3, Complex Analysis, Lebesgue Measure and the Lebesgue Int

The three volumes of A Course in Mathematical Analysis provide a full and detailed account of all those elements of real and complex analysis that an undergraduate mathematics student can expect to encounter in the first two or three years of study. Containing hundreds of exercises, examples and applications, these books will become an invaluable...
Tania Książka
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Examples and Problems in Mathematical Statistics

Examples and Problems in Mathematical Statistics


Autor: Shelemyahu Zacks

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781118605509
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
This book presents examples that illustrate the theory of mathematical statistics and details how to apply the methods for solving problems. While other books on the topic contain problems and exercises, they do not focus on problem solving. This book fills an important niche in the statistical theory literature by providing a...
Tania Książka
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Karty pracy. Tropiciele 4-latka. Czterolatki. Część 1 - edukacja przedszkolna

Karty pracy. Tropiciele 4-latka. Czterolatki. Część 1 - edukacja przedszkolna

Przygotowanie dziecka do szkolnej nauki zaczyna się w przedszkolu. Karty pracy dla czterolatka zawierają ćwiczenia przygotowujące do czytania, pisania i liczenia, rozwijają umiejętność logicznego myślenia, kształcą motorykę, słuch fonematyczny, spostrzegawczość. Bogactwo elementów przedstawionych na obrazkach zachęca dziecko do wypowiedzi ustnych i...
Tania Książka
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