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No Place to Hide

No Place to Hide

Glenn Greenwald's No Place to Hide is the story of one of the greatest national security leaks in US history. In June 2013, reporter and political commentator Glenn Greenwald published a series of reports in the Guardian which rocked the world. The reports revealed shocking truths about the extent to which the National Security Agency had been...
Tania Książka
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Ecology of Plant-Derived Smoke

Ecology of Plant-Derived Smoke

Ecology of Plant-Derived Smoke is the continuation of the research and discussion presented in Uses Abuses of Plant-Derived Smoke, published in 2010. Both books are the first of their kind in what is now an ever-expanding and exciting field of research. This volume focuses on the use of plant-derived smoke as a tool, used for promoting seed...
Tania Książka
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Behavioral Science in Medicine

Behavioral Science in Medicine

"Behavioral Science in Medicine" introduces medical students to the science of human behavior. Organized to mirror the behavioral science/psychiatry course taught in the first two years, this text effectively teaches the major concepts of this complex subject and prepares students for board exams. The Second Edition is appropriate for courses in...
Tania Książka
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The Legacy of Thatcherism

The Legacy of Thatcherism


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780197265703
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Politologia, socjologia
Three decades after the election of Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister, it is perhaps time to take stock of the concept of 'Thatcherism' and the prominent role it has played in the history of post-war Britain. Of course, there is much debate about what Thatcherism actually was or is. Some commentators argue that Thatcherism was more noteworthy for...
Tania Książka
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Encyklopedia FUJI. Tom 46 Piłkarska America.

Encyklopedia FUJI. Tom 46 Piłkarska America.

46. tom Encyklopedii piłkarskiej FUJI stanowi jednocześnie czwartą część serii mundialowej. Piłkarska America to kompendium wiedzy o historii piłki nożnej w Ameryce Południowej. Przedstawione w niej zostało statystyczne opracowanie dziejów Copa America. Poza statystykami w publikacji znajduje się ponad trzysta kolorowych fotografii....
Tania Książka
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Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy: A Laboratory Dissection Guide

Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy: A Laboratory Dissection Guide


Autor: Kenneth V. Kardong

Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780077657055
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
This is a laboratory dissection guide to vertebrate anatomy. Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy: A Laboratory Dissection Guide...
Tania Książka
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