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Neue Fragen Des Deutschen und Internationalen Insolvenzrechts

Neue Fragen Des Deutschen und Internationalen Insolvenzrechts

The present conference volume is based on lectures which were presented at the symposium of the Hanns-Martin Schleyer Foundation in Kiel dealing with German and international insolvency law. They represent much more than just a "snap-shot" view. Although each individual study elucidates the current situation concerning the problems arising from the...
Tania Książka
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Customer Driven Services Management

Customer Driven Services Management

Intense competition in the rapidly growing global market has given rise to a need for superiority in services. Indian customers now demand world-class quality and efficiency, and companies that can provide this consistently will gain competitive advantage. The growing service industry forms a significant part of India's economy, on its own and as...
Tania Książka
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Generally Accepted Auditing Standards 2006

Generally Accepted Auditing Standards 2006

The headlines swirling around Enron, Arthur Andersen, WorldCom and others have sparked concerns about the quality and quantity of financial information provided by both public and private entities. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards are constantly changing. A failure to stay current - or mistakes in applying the standards - can have disastrous...
Tania Książka
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Derivatives and Internal Models 4e

Derivatives and Internal Models 4e


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN: 9780230222151
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Whether you are looking for a standard reference or a stand-alone learning guide, Derivatives and Internal Models deserves a place on your bookshelf....
Tania Książka
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Management Andragogics 2: v. 2

Management Andragogics 2: v. 2

This book presents a new approach of management education for Executives. In contrast to the historical Harvard Concept, Executives learn in this MBA program through the Zurich Living Case Method how to solve a real entrepreneurial problem in very little time and as efficient as possible. Companies from Europe, USA and China provide information for...
Tania Książka
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Funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstwa. Wybrane zagadnienia statystyki

Funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstwa. Wybrane zagadnienia statystyki

Podręcznik: * zapoznaje uczniów z najważniejszymi metodami opisu statystycznego, wspomagającymi podejmowanie decyzji i zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem; * podaje sposoby opracowania i prezentacji (liczbowej, graficznej) materiału żródłowego oraz właściwej interpretacji uzyskanych wyników badania statystycznego; * kształci umiejętności organizowania i...
Tania Książka
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