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Vocal Power: Harness Your Inner Voice to Conquer Everyday Communication Challenges

Vocal Power: Harness Your Inner Voice to Conquer Everyday Communication Challenges

"I was able to learn an incredible amount about my voice and about how to have great impact with more pleasure and less pain." (Tony Robbins, New York Times bestselling author of Awaken the Giant Within Achieving). Vocal Power is about making a strong impact on others on all three levels of communication - words, tone of voice, and body language -...
Tania Książka
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Why Not Capitalism?

Why Not Capitalism?


Autor: Jason Brennan

Wydawnictwo: Routledge
ISBN: 9780415732970
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Most economists believe capitalism is a compromise with selfish human nature. As Adam Smith put it, "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest." Capitalism works better than socialism, according to this thinking, only because we are not kind and...
Tania Książka
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Fundraising. Pierwszy polski praktyczny podręcznik

Fundraising. Pierwszy polski praktyczny podręcznik

Inspiracja i efekty - znajdź swój własny pomysł na fundraising! Organizacje pożytku publicznego w Polsce nie mają łatwego życia. Muszą wciąż udowadniać, że ich działalność faktycznie przynosi korzyści, że wszystkie pieniądze pozyskane od Darczyńców przeznaczane są na konkretne działania statutowe, że pracują na 200% swoich możliwości. Czasem i to...
Tania Książka
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Capital Failure

Capital Failure


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198712220
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' relied on the self-interest of individuals to produce good outcomes. Economists' belief in efficient markets took this idea further by assuming that all individuals are selfish. This belief underpinned financial deregulation, and the theories on incentives and performance which supported it. However, although Adam...
Tania Książka
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The Routledge Companion to Business in Africa

The Routledge Companion to Business in Africa


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Routledge
ISBN: 9780415635455
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Although the world's poorest inhabited continent, Africa has recently shown signs of being a source of economic growth in the coming decades, with increased foreign investment - notably from China - and huge growth in GDP from a number of African states. In contrast to the heaving weight of books focusing on business opportunities in Asia, Eastern...
Tania Książka
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Forex DeMystified: A Self-teaching Guide

Forex DeMystified: A Self-teaching Guide


Autor: David Borman

Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780071828512
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
This is the quick and easy guide to profiting in the world's largest market! When you read about forex, does it seem like a foreign language to you? Get going in one of today's hottest markets with this comprehensive, plain-language guide. Forex DeMYSTiFieD illuminates the key concepts you need to know and explains how to utilize them in the real...
Tania Książka
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