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Essentials of Econophysics Modelling

Essentials of Econophysics Modelling

This book is a course in methods and models rooted in physics and used in modelling economic and social phenomena. It covers the discipline of econophysics, which creates an interface between physics and economics. Besides the main theme, it touches on the theory of complex networks and simulations of social phenomena in general. After a brief...
Tania Książka
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The Valuation of Financial Companies

The Valuation of Financial Companies

This book presents the main valuation approaches that can be used to value financial institutions. By sketching 1) the different business models of banks (both commercial and investment banks) and insurance companies (life, property and casualty and reinsurance); 2) the structure and peculiarities of financial institutions' reporting and financial...
Tania Książka
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Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation

Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation

Following the success of the first edition, Andriopoulis and Dawson are back with a fully updated and revised edition of Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation. This bestselling text continues to provide a fresh approach to organisational change by linking it to the key drivers of creativity and innovation, but now contains improved coverage of...
Tania Książka
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Project Management Leadership

Project Management Leadership

Project Management Leadership is a comprehensive guide to the human factors involved in Project Management, in particular the leadership skills required to ensure successful implementation of current best practice. It provides the latest insights on team building, motivation, collaboration, and networking skills, and the way these can be...
Tania Książka
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Kuchnia kaszubska

Kuchnia kaszubska

Różnorodność i odrębność potraw kuchni polskiej wynika z odmiennych uwarunkowań poszczególnych regionów. Kuchnia kaszubska na pewno jest jedną z najbardziej oryginalnych. W najnowszym tomiku entuzjaści kulinariów znajdą receptury na potrawy kaszubskie - te tradycyjne, przekazywane w rodzinach z pokolenia na pokolenie, jak bardziej współczesne,...
Tania Książka
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Becoming a Strategic Leader

Becoming a Strategic Leader

This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Becoming a Strategic Leader contains a wealth of strategies for enhancing an individual manager's ability to exercise effective strategic leadership in organizations by providing a distinctive and systematic approach. This effective approach has been used with great success in Center for Creative...
Tania Książka
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