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Early China

Early China


Autor: Feng Li

Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521719810
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
'Early China' refers to the period from the beginning of human history in China to the end of the Han Dynasty in AD 220. The roots of modern Chinese society and culture are all to be found in this formative period of Chinese civilization. Li Feng's new critical interpretation draws on the most recent scholarship and archaeological discoveries from...
Tania Książka
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ACSM's Resources for the Personal Trainer

ACSM's Resources for the Personal Trainer

"ACSM's Resources for the Personal Trainer" provides a broad introduction to the field of personal training, covering both basic science topics and practical application. It was originally designed to help people prepare for the ACSM Personal Training Certification Exam. It continues to serve that function, but the market for it has expanded to...
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A Collection of Surveys on Market Experiments

A Collection of Surveys on Market Experiments


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781118790717
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Comprised of 10 surveys by leading scholars, this collection showcases the largest and fastest growing strands of research on market behaviour in experimental economics. Covers topics such as asset markets, contests, environmental policy, frictions, general equilibrium, labour markets, multi-unit auctions, oligopoly markets, and prediction markets ...
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Bank Fraud

Bank Fraud

Capitalize on technology to halt bank fraud Examining the technology that is needed to combat bank fraud, Bank Fraud: Using Technology to Combat Losses equips corporate security and loss prevention managers with the necessary tools to determine an organization's unique technology needs. * Looks at the technology needed to handle data intelligence*...
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Specjały polskiej kuchni

Specjały polskiej kuchni


Autor: ...

ISBN: 8373375651
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Kuchnia, potrawy
(Wyd. 2) Doskonałe zupy, wspaniałe dania postne, świetnie przyrządzone ryby słodko-wodne, dziczyzna i mięsa o wybornym smaku zdobywały uznanie nie tylko w kraju. Przyjeżdżający do nas od stuleci cudzoziemcy także chwalili polskie potrawy....
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Potrawy faszerowane

Potrawy faszerowane

W książkach Hanny Szymanderskiej czytelnicy znajdują zawsze przepisy oryginalne, niezawodne, dalekie od banalności. I tym razem "Potrawy faszerowane" oferują receptury na dania często skomplikowane, ale zawsze doskonałe w smaku, które nie zawiodą najbardziej wybrednych amatorów dobrej kuchni. Są tu warzywa z farszami mięsnymi i jarskimi, jaja...
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