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Handbook of Strategic Account Management

Handbook of Strategic Account Management

A complete compilation of the established knowledge in strategic account management Though companies expend tremendous effort to upkeep electronic and social media and mass marketing, they often overlook the value of strategic account management (SAM). This handbook is a compilation of papers that address researched knowledge of SAM across the...
Tania Książka
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Machine Made

Machine Made


Autor: Terry Golway

Wydawnictwo: W.W. Norton Company
ISBN: 9780871403759
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
History casts Tammany Hall as shorthand for the worst of urban politics: graft, crime and patronage personified by notoriously crooked characters. In Machine Made Terry Golway dismantles these stereotypes and presents a starkly revisionist portrait, focusing on the many benefits of machine politics for marginalised and maligned American immigrants....
Tania Książka
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Relacje sowiecko-polskie w podręcznikach do nauczania historii w systemie oświatowym Rosji bolszewickiej i ZSRS w latach 1917-1991

Relacje sowiecko-polskie w podręcznikach do nauczania historii w systemie oświatowym Rosji bolszewickiej i ZSRS w latach 1917-1991


Autor: Henryk Składanowski

Wydawnictwo: Dom Wydawniczy DUET
ISBN: 9788364545047
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
Opracowanie Henryka Składanowskiego jest pracą podejmującą zarysowane w tytule kwestie z punktu absolutnie aktualnego stanu wiedzy. Można wręcz powiedzieć, że stan wiedzy polskiej historiografii i jej konsumentów będzie kreowany właśnie przez to opracowanie. Ma ono bowiem pionierski w ramach polskiej historiografii charakter. Autor nie tylko...
Tania Książka
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Why did the size of the U.S. economy increase by 3 percent on one day in mid-2013 - or Ghana's balloon by 60 percent overnight in 2010? Why did the U.K. financial industry show its fastest expansion ever at the end of 2008 - just as the world's financial system went into meltdown? And why was Greece's chief statistician charged with treason in 2013...
Tania Książka
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Brand Famous

Brand Famous

Make your business a house-hold name Have you ever noticed how there are so many people, so many brands, so many products and so many business ideas all trying to be famous? Well, the fact is branding is everything. To get your service, product or personal brand standing out from the crowd, you will need an effective branding strategy. And that's...
Tania Książka
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Out of Poverty

Out of Poverty

This book provides a comprehensive defense of third-world sweatshops. It explains how these sweatshops provide the best available opportunity to workers and how they play an important role in the process of development that eventually leads to better wages and working conditions. Using economic theory, the author argues that much of what the...
Tania Książka
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