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How the Economy Works

How the Economy Works

"Of all the economic bubbles that have been pricked," the editors of The Economist recently observed, "few have burst more spectacularly than the reputation of economics itself." Indeed, the financial crisis that crested in 2008 destroyed the credibility of the economic thinking that had guided policymakers for a generation. But what will take its...
Tania Książka
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Handbook in Monte Carlo Simulation

Handbook in Monte Carlo Simulation

The Handbook in Monte Carlo Simulation Applications in Financial Engineering, Risk Management, and Economics features: An introductory section for basic material on stochastic modeling and estimation aimed at readers who may need a summary or review of the essentials Carefully crafted examples in order to spot potential pitfalls and drawbacks of...
Tania Książka
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Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice, Fifteenth Edition, reflects current economic conditions, enabling students to apply economic concepts to the world around them, and includes a robust set of online multimedia learning tools....
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Przez żołądek do zdrowego serca Część 1

Przez żołądek do zdrowego serca Część 1


Autor: Michel Montignac

Wydawnictwo: Artvitae
ISBN: 8388108115
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
Pomimo stałego wydłużania się średniej długości życia w krajach Europy Zachodniej, choroby serca i układu krążenia pozostają główną przyczyną śmierci. Wszystkie badania naukowe wykazują że złe odżywianie jest wprawdzie najistotniejszym czynnikiem ryzyka, ale także tym, na który w najłatwiejszy sposób można wpłynąć, pragnąc zapobiec chorobom....
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International Macroeconomics

International Macroeconomics

Developed in the classroom by two of the most prominent researchers in the field, Feenstra and Taylor's "International Economics" is a modern textbook for a modern audience, connecting theory to empirical evidence and expanding beyond the traditional focus on advanced companies to cover emerging markets and developing economies. "International...
Tania Książka
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International Trade

International Trade

Developed in the classroom by two of the most prominent researchers in the field, Feenstra and Taylor's "International Economics" is a modern textbook for a modern audience, connecting theory to empirical evidence and expanding beyond the traditional focus on advanced companies to cover emerging markets and developing economies. "International...
Tania Książka
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