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Family Theories

Family Theories

The Fourth Edition of James M. White, David M. Klein, and Todd F. Martin's best-selling Family Theories: An Introduction offers a thorough and accessible approach to the most current perspectives in family theory. Rich in detail yet exceptionally concise, the text's analytical structure draws from such major theoretical frameworks as social...
Tania Książka
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Cities as Engines of Sustainable Competitiveness

Cities as Engines of Sustainable Competitiveness


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Ashgate Publishing Company
ISBN: 9781472427021
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Reflecting on two decades of 'competitiveness-oriented' urban policies in Europe this book investigates the current challenges cities face to sustain their economic position and how this can be balanced with social progress and environmental improvements. Complementing previous surveys on local and urban development and competitiveness-based...
Tania Książka
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Contemporary Brand Management

Contemporary Brand Management

Written by experts on global marketing, Contemporary Brand Management focuses on the essentials of Brand Management in today's global marketplace. The text succinctly covers a natural sequence of branding topics, from the building of a new brand, to brand extension and the creation of a global brand, to the management of a firm's brand portfolio....
Tania Książka
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Business Planning and Market Strategy

Business Planning and Market Strategy

Entrepreneurial Market Strategy and Business Planning covers all the essential topics found in most planning texts, guidelines, and templates. However, it also provides insights not found in other planning texts -- insights students and executives need to develop sound and convincing market strategies and business plans that enable businesses to...
Tania Książka
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The Invisible Hands

The Invisible Hands

Hedge fund managers who survived and profited through the 2008 financial crisis share their secrets In light of the colossal losses and amidst the resulting confusion that still lingers, it is time to rethink money management in the broadest of terms. Drastic changes still need to be made, and managers who actually made money during 2008 make for...
Tania Książka
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ECON Macroeconomics

ECON Macroeconomics

Created by the continuous feedback of a "student-tested, faculty-approved" process, Econ: Macro, 4E delivers a visually appealing, succinct print component, tear-out review cards for students and instructors and a consistent online offering with CourseMate that includes an eBook in addition to a set of interactive digital tools all at a value-based...
Tania Książka
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