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The consequences of the global financial crisis

The consequences of the global financial crisis

The Global Financial Crisis is the most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression, and although many have explored its causes, relatively few have focused on its consequences. Unlike earlier crises, no new paradigm seems yet to have come forward to challenge existing ways of thinking and neo-liberalism has emerged relatively unscathed....
Tania Książka
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Wrocław na fotografii 1840-1900

Wrocław na fotografii 1840-1900


Autor: Zygmunt Wielowiejski

Wydawnictwo: Via Nova
ISBN: 9788364025136
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
Album prezentuje wybór najstarszych fotografii Wrocławia zachowanych w kolekcjach wrocławskich i niemieckich, często nigdy niepublikowanych. Hermann Krone, jeden z ojców fotografii niemieckiej, pochodził z Wrocławia, jego ojciec miał tu zakład litograficzny. I choć Krone spędził we Wrocławiu tylko dzieciństwo i wczesną młodość, pierwsze kroki jako...
Tania Książka
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Paper money collapse

Paper money collapse

Explore the inevitable collapse of the fiat monetary system Paper Money Collapse: The Folly of Elastic Money, Second Edition challenges the mainstream consensus on money and monetary policy. While it is today generally believed that the transition from 'hard' and inflexible commodity money (such as a gold standard) to entirely flexible and...
Tania Książka
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Monetary policy operations and the financial system

Monetary policy operations and the financial system

Since 2007, central banks of industrialized countries have counteracted financial instability, recession, and deflationary risks with unprecedented monetary policy operations. While generally regarded as successful, these measures also led to an exceptional increase in the size of central bank balance sheets. The book first introduces the subject...
Tania Książka
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Creating global opportunities

Creating global opportunities

Today's trade is global. A company can choose to have its headquarters in one part of the world, its production facilities in another and sell its brands in all markets. Since the first sea-borne container transport took place in 1956, the shipping industry has been one of the main facilitators of the globalisation of trade. This book traces the...
Tania Książka
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Open innovation through strategic alliances

Open innovation through strategic alliances

Open Innovation through Strategic Alliances demonstrates the vital role and applications of strategic alliances in organizations when creating and applying knowledge for the development of new products, technologies, or business models. This edited collection builds solid knowledge sources and insights into understanding open innovation through...
Tania Książka
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