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From businesses, public administrations, universities and schools, to hospitals, prisons, political parties, or the military, peoples' lives are inextricably bound up with organizations from cradle to grave. Yet we receive little training in how - as members, customers, voters, or patients - to deal with them.In Organizations Stefan Kuhl asks and...
Tania Książka
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Religion, Identity and Human Security

Religion, Identity and Human Security

Religion, Identity and Human Security seeks to demonstrate that a major source of human insecurity comes from the failure of states around the world to recognize the increasing cultural diversity of their populations which has resulted from globalization. Shani begins by setting out the theoretical foundations, dealing with the transformative...
Tania Książka
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A Practical Introduction to Security and Risk Management

A Practical Introduction to Security and Risk Management

The first book to introduce the full spectrum of security and risks and their management In this book, you will learn how to understand, analyze, assess, control, and generally manage security and risks from the personal to the operational. You will develop the practical knowledge and skills you need, including analytical skills, basic mathematical...
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The Lost Continent

The Lost Continent


Autor: Gavin Hewitt

Wydawnictwo: Hodder
ISBN: 9781444764826
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Politologia, socjologia
In THE LOST CONTINENT BBC Europe Editor Gavin Hewitt tells the story of a flawed dream, a noble vision that turned dangerous, and which led Europe into its gravest crisis since World War Two - a crisis for which it was totally unprepared. A pillar of the post-war European dream was a shared currency, and with it came easy money, seducing some...
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Free Market Revolution

Free Market Revolution

Already a National Bestseller, in Free Market Revolution, the keepers of Ayn Rand's legacy argue that the answer to our current economic woes lies not in "trickle-down government" but in Rand's inspiring philosophy of capitalism and self-interest - a philosophy that more and more people are turning to for answers. Here, Brook and Watkins explain...
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American Marriage

American Marriage

As states across the country battle internally over same-sex marriage in the courts, in legislatures, and at the ballot box, activists and scholars grapple with its implications for the status of gays and lesbians and for the institution of marriage itself. Yet, the struggle over same-sex marriage is only the most recent political and public debate...
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