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Rural Criminology

Rural Criminology

Rural crime is a fast growing area of interest among scholars in criminology. From studies of agricultural crime in Australia, to violence against women in Appalachia America, to poaching in Uganda, to land theft in Brazil -- the criminology community has come to recognize that crime manifests itself in rural localities in ways that both conform to...
Tania Książka
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Religion, Civil Society, and Peace in Northern Ireland

Religion, Civil Society, and Peace in Northern Ireland

Religion was thought to be part of the problem in Ireland and incapable of turning itself into part of the solution. Many commentators deny the churches a role in Northern Ireland's peace process or belittle it, focusing on the few well-known events of church involvement and the small number of high profile religious peacebuilders. This new study...
Tania Książka
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Language, Space and Identity in Migration

Language, Space and Identity in Migration

This book explores both theoretical and practical issues of language use in a migration context, using a mixed-method approach. The unique interview data on which the analysis is based (and therefore the lens through which these issues are viewed) stem from the German urban immigrant community in Canada, but the results and findings have...
Tania Książka
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Bolesława Leśmiana światopogląd nowoczesny

Bolesława Leśmiana światopogląd nowoczesny

Książka Jana Zięby poświęcona w całości filozoficzno-estetycznej eseistyce Bolesława Leśmiana jest próbą przywrócenia tej niezwykle inspirującej części dzieła wybitnego poety należnego jej ważnego miejsca we współczesnych polskich badaniach literackich. Chodzi tutaj zarówno o ukazanie jej dużego znaczenia w obrębie całej twórczości Leśmiana, jak...
Tania Książka
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A Micro-Level Perspective on the Dynamics of Conflict, Violence, and Development

A Micro-Level Perspective on the Dynamics of Conflict, Violence, and Development


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199664597
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Politologia, socjologia
This volume presents an innovative new analytical framework for understanding the dynamics of violent conflict and its impact on people and communities living in contexts of violence. Bringing together the findings of MICROCON, an influential five year research programme funded by the European Commission, this book provides readers with the most...
Tania Książka
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The Treadmill of Crime

The Treadmill of Crime

Drawing on the work of Allan Schnaiberg, this book returns political economy to green criminology and examines how the expansion of capitalism shapes environmental law, crime and justice. The book is organized around crimes of ecological withdrawals and ecological additions. The Treadmill of Crime is written by acclaimed experts on the subject of...
Tania Książka
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