"While you might not agree with Yaron Brook and Don Watkins, it is all but certain that you will learn from them. I certainly did, and I have a newfound appreciation for free market ideals."--"The Washington Times"
"Very good and very informative... the beauty of "Free Market Revolution" is that it reminds readers that using the government to take care of your needs is no different than going next door to steal from your neighbor."--Forbes.com
"""A joy to read. Even as it merges hefty philosophical arguments, detailed discussions of key economic concepts, and numerous historical examples, its light and breezy prose enables quick reading..."Free Market Revolution" could not have come at a better time."--"The Objective Standard"
"An intriguing gauntlet and a challenge to conventional political wisdom and philosophical underpinnings... This "revolution" will inflame many and embolden others, but that is not all bad...Recommended."--"Choice"
""Free Market Revolution" will raise the ire of every statist, socialist and crony capitalist. Rand understood - as do the authors of this all-too-timely book - that free markets are, indeed, moral while Big Government is manifestly not."--Steve Forbes
"A powerful and unapologetic case in support of capitalism. For those who think more government will solve our nation's problems, "Free Market Revolution" will open your eyes. For those who can already see the light, it will sharpen your vision."--Peter Schiff, "CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, Inc., host of the Peter Schiff Show on www.SchiffRadio.com, and author of "The Real Crash: America's Coming Bankruptcy--How to Save Yourself and Your Country""
""Free Market Revolution" is must-reading for an age in which the government seems to be treating "Atlas Shrugged" not as a warning, but as a how-to manual."--Glenn Reynolds,
""Free Market Revolution "is a potential game-changer. Brook and Watkins dismantle the myth that free markets are responsible for today's ills.
Książka "Free Market Revolution"
Yaron Brook; Don Watkins