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German Philosophy of Language

German Philosophy of Language

Michael Forster here presents a ground-breaking study of German philosophy of language in the nineteenth century (and beyond). His previous book, After Herder, showed that the eighteenth-century philosopher J.G. Herder played the fundamental role in founding modern philosophy of language, including new theories of interpretation ('hermeneutics')...
Tania Książka
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The Limits of Kindness

The Limits of Kindness

Caspar Hare presents a novel approach to questions of what we ought to do, and why we ought to do it. The traditional way to approach this subject is to begin by supposing a foundational principle, and then work out its implications. Consequentialists say that we ought to make the world impersonally better, for instance, while Kantian deontologists...
Tania Książka
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Human Rights and Common Good: Volume III

Human Rights and Common Good: Volume III

This central volume in the Collected Essays brings together John Finnis's wide-ranging contribution to central issues in political philosophy. The volume begins by examining the general theory of political community and social justice. It includes the powerful and well-known Maccabaean Lecture on Bills of Rights - a searching critique of Ronald...
Tania Książka
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Wokół genezy człowieka

Wokół genezy człowieka


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: WAM
ISBN: 9788327700056
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Historia filozofii
Mimo zgłębienia wielu tajemnic związanych z biologicznymi początkami życia ludzkiego, wciąż jeszcze jesteśmy na początku drogi w poznaniu genezy człowieka. Zaistnienie ludzkiego ciała to jeden z wielu aspektów zaistnienia człowieka w ogóle. Zatem spojrzenie na genezę człowieka winno być zakresowo szersze (maksymalistyczne) i treściowo bogatsze niż...
Tania Książka
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An Introduction to Godel's Theorems

An Introduction to Godel's Theorems

In 1931, the young Kurt Godel published his First Incompleteness Theorem, which tells us that, for any sufficiently rich theory of arithmetic, there are some arithmetical truths the theory cannot prove. This remarkable result is among the most intriguing (and most misunderstood) in logic. Godel also outlined an equally significant Second...
Tania Książka
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The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche

The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199534647
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Historia filozofii
The diversity of Nietzsche's books, and the sheer range of his philosophical interests, have posed daunting challenges to his interpreters. This Oxford Handbook addresses this multiplicity by devoting each of its 32 essays to a focused topic, picked out by the book's systematic plan. The aim is to treat each topic at the best current level of...
Tania Książka
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