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Human Action, Consciousness, and Problems of Representation

Human Action, Consciousness, and Problems of Representation

This book is a philosophical analysis of ordinary concepts like human action and consciousness, and how they get represented in our language. It examines the philosophical history of the issues that emerge and places the discussion across different paradigms. It brings into contemporary focus some problems like intentionality, relation between mind...
Tania Książka
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The Two Fundamental Problems of Ethics

The Two Fundamental Problems of Ethics

'my philosophy is like Thebes with a hundred gates: one can enter from all sides and through each gate arrive at the direct path to the centre' Schopenhauer's two essays On the Freedom of the Will and On the Basis of Morals form his complete system of ethics. Their doctrines, continuous with those in his major work The World as Will and...
Tania Książka
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Claudine Cohen and Andre Wakefield offer the first English translation of "Protogaea", a central text in natural philosophy and an ambitious account of terrestrial history. Written between 1691 and 1693, and first published long after Leibniz's death in 1749, "Protogaea" reemerges in this bilingual edition with an introduction that carefully...
Tania Książka
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Bóg, wolność, własność

Bóg, wolność, własność


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej
ISBN: 9788360125212
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Historia filozofii
Mirosław Dzielski - krakowski filozof i publicysta polityczny. Twórca polskiej współczesnej odmiany liberalizmu chrześcijańskiego. Pracownik naukowy Instytutu Filozofii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Założyciel Krakowskiego Towarzystwa Przemysłowego....
Tania Książka
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GWF Hegel has long been considered one of the most influential and controversial thinkers of the nineteenth century, and his work continues to provoke debate in contemporary philosophy. This new book provides readers with an accessible introduction to Hegel's thought, offering a lucid and highly readable account of his Phenomenology of Spirit , ...
Tania Książka
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Living in the End Times

Living in the End Times


Autor: Slavoj Zizek

Wydawnictwo: Verso
ISBN: 9781844677023
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Historia filozofii
The underlying premise of the book is a simple one: the global capitalist system is approaching an apocalyptic zero-point. Its four riders of the apocalypse are the ecological crisis, the consequences of the biogenetic revolution, the imbalances within the system itself (problems with intellectual property, the forthcoming struggle for raw...
Tania Książka
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