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Realism, Science, and Pragmatism

Realism, Science, and Pragmatism


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Routledge
ISBN: 9781138018822
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Historia filozofii
This collection of original essays aims to reinvigorate the debate surrounding philosophical realism in relation to philosophy of science, pragmatism, epistemology, and theory of perception. Questions concerning realism are as current and as ancient as philosophy itself; this volume explores relations between different positions designated as...
Tania Książka
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Irish philosopher George Bishop Berkeley was one of the greatest philosophers of the early modern period. Along with David Hume and John Locke he is considered one of the fathers of British Empiricism. Berkeley is a clear, concise, and sympathetic introduction to George Berkeley's philosophy, and a thorough review of his most important texts....
Tania Książka
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Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198707639
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Historia filozofii
Assertion is a fundamental feature of language. This volume will be the place to look for anyone interested in current work on the topic. Philosophers of language and epistemologists join forces to elucidate what kind of speech act assertion is, particularly in light of relativist views of truth, and how assertion is governed by epistemic norms....
Tania Książka
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O co nas pytają wielcy filozofowie. Seria I

O co nas pytają wielcy filozofowie. Seria I

Dobrych podręczników, słowników i encyklopedii jest pod dostatkiem. Nie zamierzam "streszczać" Platona, Kartezjusza czy Husserla, byłaby to śmieszna ambicja. Chciałbym mówić o wielkich filozofach w taki sposób, by u każdego wyłowić jedną myśl, która dla niego samego jest ważna, należy do filarów domu, jaki zbudował, a zarazem dla nas, teraz jest...
Tania Książka
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The Promise of Salvation

The Promise of Salvation

Why has religion persisted across the course of human history? Secularists have predicted the end of faith for a long time, but religions continue to attract followers. Meanwhile, scholars of religion have expanded their field to such an extent that we lack a basic framework for making sense of the chaos of religious phenomena. To remedy this state...
Tania Książka
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Formal Causes

Formal Causes

Michael T. Ferejohn presents an original interpretation of key themes in Aristotle's classic works, and their roots in Socratic thought. The principal historical thesis of this work is that Aristotle's commendation of the historical Socrates for 'being the first to pursue universal definitions' is explainable in part by Aristotle's own attraction...
Tania Książka
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