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Cornucopia Limited

Cornucopia Limited

The network economy presents itself in the transactions of electronic commerce, finance, business, and communications. The network economy is also a social condition of discontinuity, indefinite limits, and in-between spaces. In Cornucopia Limited, Richard Coyne uses the liminality of design -- its uneasy position between creativity and commerce --...
Tania Książka
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Road That Is Not Road and Open City Ritoque Chile

Road That Is Not Road and Open City Ritoque Chile

foreword by Joseph Rykwert Several thousand miles south of the equator along the Pacific coast of South America, is the site of the Open City Amereida. It is a laboratory for thought and work, conceived and built by the faculty of architecture of the Catholic University of Valparaiso. Here architects, poets, artists, and engineers have been...
Tania Książka
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Exchange Rate Economics

Exchange Rate Economics

Recent theoretical developments in exchange rate economics have led to important new insights into the functioning of the foreign exchange market. The simple models of the 1970s, which could not withstand empirical evaluation, have been succeeded by more complex models that draw on theoretical work in such areas as the microstructure of financial...
Tania Książka
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Bare Branches

Bare Branches

What happens to a society that has too many men? In this provocative book, Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer argue that, historically, high male-to-female ratios often trigger domestic and international violence. Hudson and den Boer suggest that the sex ratios of many Asian countries, particularly China and India - which represent almost 40...
Tania Książka
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Prime Movers of Globalization

Prime Movers of Globalization

The many books on globalization published over the past few years range from claims that the world is flat to an unlikely rehabilitation of Genghis Khan as a pioneer of global commerce. Missing from these accounts is a consideration of the technologies behind the creation of the globalized economy. What makes it possible for us to move billions of...
Tania Książka
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Changing the Atmosphere Expert Knowledge  Environmental Gov

Changing the Atmosphere Expert Knowledge Environmental Gov

In recent years, Earth systems science has advanced rapidly, helping to transform climate change and other planetary risks into major political issues. Changing the Atmosphere strengthens our understanding of this important link between expert knowledge and environmental governance. In so doing, it illustrates how the emerging field of science and...
Tania Książka
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