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Human Robotics

Human Robotics

This book proposes a transdisciplinary approach to investigating human motor control that synthesizes musculoskeletal biomechanics and neural control. The authors argue that this integrated approach -- which uses the framework of robotics to understand sensorimotor control problems -- offers a more complete and accurate description than either a...
Tania Książka
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Lonely Ideas

Lonely Ideas

When have you gone into an electronics store, picked up a desirable gadget, and found that it was labeled "Made in Russia"? Probably never. Russia, despite its epic intellectual achievements in music, literature, art, and pure science, is a negligible presence in world technology. Despite its current leaders' ambitions to create a knowledge...
Tania Książka
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Disaster Robotics

Disaster Robotics

This book offers the definitive guide to the theory and practice of disaster robotics. It can serve as an introduction for researchers and technologists, a reference for emergency managers, and a textbook in field robotics. Written by a pioneering researcher in the field who has herself participated in fifteen deployments of robots in disaster...
Tania Książka
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Banking on Democracy

Banking on Democracy

Politics matter for financial markets and financial markets matter for politics, and nowhere is this relationship more apparent than in emerging markets. In Banking on Democracy, Javier Santiso investigates the links between politics and finance in countries that have recently experienced both economic and democratic transitions. He focuses on...
Tania Książka
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An Introduction to Econometrics

An Introduction to Econometrics

This unique introduction to econometrics provides undergraduate students with a command of regression analysis in one semester, enabling them to grasp the empirical literature and undertake serious quantitative projects of their own. It does not assume any previous exposure to probability and statistics but does discuss the concepts in these areas...
Tania Książka
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Operations Rules

Operations Rules

In recent years, management gurus have urged businesses to adopt such strategies as just-in-time, lean manufacturing, offshoring, and frequent deliveries to retail outlets. But today, these much-touted strategies may be risky. Global financial turmoil, rising labor costs in developing countries, and huge volatility in the price of oil and other...
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