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Multiagent Systems

Multiagent Systems


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: MIT Press Massachusets Institute of Tech nology
ISBN: 9780262018890
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Multiagent systems are made up of multiple interacting intelligent agents -- computational entities to some degree autonomous and able to cooperate, compete, communicate, act flexibly, and exercise control over their behavior within the frame of their objectives. They are the enabling technology for a wide range of advanced applications relying on...
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Second Century

Second Century

As the auto industry moves into its second century, it suffers from low margins and a sclerotic value chain that cannot evolve with customers' desires. Inventories of many weeks pile up on dealers' lots and at distribution centres around the world while executives applaud marginal improvements in factory efficiency. With billions of potential...
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Second Century Reconnecting Customer  Value Chain Through

Second Century Reconnecting Customer Value Chain Through

As the auto industry moves into its second century, it suffers from low margins and a sclerotic value chain that cannot evolve with customer desires. Inventories of many weeks pile up on dealer lots and at distribution centers around the world while executives applaud marginal improvements in factory efficiency. Value streams based on Henry Ford's...
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The Comingled Code

The Comingled Code

Discussions of the economic impact of open source software often generate more heat than light. Advocates passionately assert the benefits of open source while critics decry its effects. Missing from the debate is rigorous economic analysis and systematic economic evidence of the impact of open source on consumers, firms, and economic development...
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Moving Innovation

Moving Innovation

Computer graphics (or CG) has changed the way we experience the art of moving images. Computer graphics is the difference between Steamboat Willie and Buzz Lightyear, between ping pong and PONG. It began in 1963 when an MIT graduate student named Ivan Sutherland created the first true computer animation program. Instead of presenting a series of...
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Stealth Assessment

Stealth Assessment

To succeed in today's interconnected and complex world, workers need to be able to think systemically, creatively, and critically. Equipping K-16 students with these twenty-first-century competencies requires new thinking not only about what should be taught in school but also about how to develop valid assessments to measure and support these...
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