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Lider. Rola Wartości. Konrad Jaskóła

Lider. Rola Wartości. Konrad Jaskóła

Prezes Konrad Jaskóła to wybitny menedżer polskiej gospodarki. Zasłużył na to określenie błyskotliwie kierując przez lata największym swego czasu naszym przedsiębiorstwem - płocką Petrochemią, a ostatnio Polimeksem-Mostostalem. Jest także postacią rozpoznawalną i szanowaną na światowych kongresach ekonomicznych. W tworzeniu i zarządzaniu wielkimi...
Tania Książka
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Where Do All the Paperclips Go

Where Do All the Paperclips Go

At last, a book about business that you'll actually want to read. Ever wondered how easy it is to fiddle your expenses, why you feel curiously ill at ease without your BlackBerry, or what the Japanese word 'Karoshi' means? Now you can find out. Forget endlessly surfing the web or wading through magazines. A few minutes with this book will save you...
Tania Książka
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Substantive Law of the EU

Substantive Law of the EU

This book focuses on the substantive law of the EU with regard to the free movement of goods, persons, services, and capital. An introductory chapter outlines the background to EU law in this sphere; the role of free trade theory, the development of economic integration until the present day, and the fundamental principles underpinning this...
Tania Książka
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Fundamentals of Business Marketing Research

Fundamentals of Business Marketing Research

Examines recent industrial/business research, evaluates its current effectiveness, and offers suggestions for future use. ...
Tania Książka
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Blueprint to a Billion

Blueprint to a Billion


Autor: Thomson

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 0471747475
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Praise for BLUEPRINT TO A BILLION "A wonderful, well thought out analysis of entrepreneurship and leadership of a growth company." #8212;Howard Lester, Chairman, Williams-Sonoma, Inc. "If you dream about growing your business to a billion, this is a fascinating down-to-earth study that you must read. Apply the seven essential principles to your...
Tania Książka
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Handbook of Social Choice  Welfare v 2

Handbook of Social Choice Welfare v 2

This second part of a two-volume set continues to describe economists' efforts to quantify the social decisions people necessarily make and the philosophies that those choices define. Contributors draw on lessons from philosophy, history, and other disciplines, but they ultimately use editor Kenneth Arrow's seminal work on social choice as a...
Tania Książka
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