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Puzzle of Modern Economics

Puzzle of Modern Economics

Does economics hold the key to everything or does the recent financial crisis show that it has failed? This book provides an assessment of modern economics that cuts through the confusion and controversy on this question. Case studies of the creation of new markets, the Russian transition to capitalism, globalization, and money and finance...
Tania Książka
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Category Management in Purchasing

Category Management in Purchasing


Autor: Jonathan O'Brien

Wydawnictwo: Kogan Page
ISBN: 9780749464981
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Category Management is a technique used to understand markets, analyse spend and make purchasing decisions which save money. It is about a pathway from accepting mediocre goods and services at high cost, to effective supply management which delivers real value. By altering how goods are categorised and supplied it helps shift sourcing from being an...
Tania Książka
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Władca czasu, czyli skuteczne zarządzanie własnym życiem

Władca czasu, czyli skuteczne zarządzanie własnym życiem

Dziś jest Twój dzień! Wykorzystaj każdą chwilę! Bądź menedżerem każdej sekundy Zyskuj dodatkowe cenne godziny Osiągaj pełną satysfakcję z życia Trenuj i zostań Władcą Czasu! Jak najlepiej wykorzystać czas, który posiadasz? Ile razy zdarzyło Ci się z całych sił marzyć o posiadaniu wehikułu czasu, by móc przenieść się w przeszłość? Jak często...
Tania Książka
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Integrated Advertising Promotion  Marketing Communication

Integrated Advertising Promotion Marketing Communication

For courses in Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising Principles, and Advertising Strategy, and Advertising and Promotions. Integrated Marketing Communications takes a broader approach than advertising or Promotions courses. Furthermore, the text gives students an integrated learning experience by incorporating Internet exercises and a...
Tania Książka
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A Corporate Solution to Global Poverty: How Multinationals Can Help the Poor and Invigorate Their Own Legitimacy

A Corporate Solution to Global Poverty: How Multinationals Can Help the Poor and Invigorate Their Own Legitimacy

World leaders have given the reduction of global poverty top priority. And yet, it persists. Indeed, in many countries whose governments lack either the desire or the ability to act, poverty has worsened. This book, a joint venture of a Harvard professor and an economist with the International Finance Corporation, argues that the solution lies in...
Tania Książka
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Smarter Outsourcing: An Executive Guide to Understanding, Planning, and Exploiting Successful Outsourcing Relationships

Smarter Outsourcing: An Executive Guide to Understanding, Planning, and Exploiting Successful Outsourcing Relationships

Outsourcing is now a central issue for companies large and small, and the market size goes on expanding. But, few executives really understand how to go about deciding what should be outsourced, how to do it, and how to manage the various stakeholders.This book fills a major gap in the middle-high-end of the market for a book that shows senior...
Tania Książka
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