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Macroeconomics and the Business Environment

Macroeconomics and the Business Environment

This book provides an introduction to principal macroeconomic phenomena: inflation, unemployment, national income, interest rates and exchange rates. It describes how each phenomenon is measured, what makes it change and the consequences of change. The goal is to provide a degree of literacy about the economy which constitutes the environment of...
Tania Książka
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Skuteczne techniki telemarketingu

Skuteczne techniki telemarketingu

Poznaj najdoskonalsze strategie sprzedaży telefonicznej Wypracuj odpowiedni sposób mówienia Zaplanuj działania i przebieg rozmowy Wykorzystaj techniki negocjacyjne Naucz się panować nad stresem Telemarketing to jedna z coraz bardziej popularnych technik sprzedaży w Polsce. Pozwala na obniżenie kosztów i realizację planu sprzedaży w krótszym...
Tania Książka
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Financial Markets and Institutions

Financial Markets and Institutions

Since the first edition of this book, the world's financial system went through its greatest crisis for a century. What made this crisis unique is that severe financial problems emerged simultaneously in many different countries and that its economic impact was felt throughout the world as a result of the increased interconnectedness of the global...
Tania Książka
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Excel 2007 w firmie. Controlling, finanse i nie tylko

Excel 2007 w firmie. Controlling, finanse i nie tylko

Wykorzystaj możliwości Excela, aby ułatwić sobie pracę i zarządzanie domowymi finansami Jak wykorzystywać funkcje zagnieżdżone do obliczania premii? Jak importować dane finansowe z wielu źródeł? Jak tworzyć zestawienia zbiorcze z zastosowaniem sum częściowych? Microsoft Office Excel 2007 to nowoczesne narzędzie, które można wykorzystać nie tylko...
Tania Książka
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Statistical Methods for Financial Engineering

Statistical Methods for Financial Engineering


Autor: Bruno Remillard

Wydawnictwo: Chapman Hall
ISBN: 9781439856949
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
While many financial engineering books are available, the statistical aspects behind the implementation of stochastic models used in the field are often overlooked or restricted to a few well-known cases. Statistical Methods for Financial Engineering guides current and future practitioners on implementing the most useful stochastic models used in...
Tania Książka
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Entrepreneurial Marketing

Entrepreneurial Marketing


Autor: Ed Nijssen

Wydawnictwo: Routledge
ISBN: 9780415722209
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
How do you sell a totally new kind of product to a market that does not yet exist? Entrepreneurial businesses often create products and services based on radically new technology that has the power to change the marketplace. This means that existing market research will have produced data about market categories and structures that are largely...
Tania Książka
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