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Breaking Up the Euro

Breaking Up the Euro

The drama of the common currency is a hot topic. The Euro was planned for the European Union's member states, bringing economically strong nations like Germany and Holland and weaker nations like Greece, Spain and Italy under one set of currency rules. A dozen years of its implementation has shown that the planning was incomplete at best. Add to...
Tania Książka
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Quantitative Easing as a Highway to Hyperinflation

Quantitative Easing as a Highway to Hyperinflation

This book addresses the topical issue of whether the current environment in the US and other major countries, where quantitative easing is used to boost the economy, is conducive to hyperinflation. This is a controversial and highly debated issue. Using both economics and history, the author challenged the view that quantitative easing will not...
Tania Książka
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How Much Have Global Problems Cost the World?

How Much Have Global Problems Cost the World?


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781107679337
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
There are often blanket claims that the world is facing more problems than ever but there is a lack of empirical data to show where things have deteriorated or in fact improved. In this book, some of the world's leading economists discuss ten problems that have blighted human development, ranging from malnutrition, education, and climate change, to...
Tania Książka
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McEachern "teaches by example." It is the text that uses examples and illustrations that students will recognize when they show up for class the first day because they already have at least 17 years of personal experience with economic choices, institutions, and events. Taking a "just-in-time" approach by introducing material just as it is needed...
Tania Książka
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Public Finance

Public Finance

Popular author and seasoned economist Dr. David Hyman delivers a solid economics-oriented approach to public finance and public policy. The 11th edition of Public Finance thoroughly illustrates the role government plays in the economy and explains how and why the public sector makes decisions. Packed with timely, real-world examples, Public Finance...
Tania Książka
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The Global Gold Market and the International Monetary System from the Late 19th Century Until Today

The Global Gold Market and the International Monetary System from the Late 19th Century Until Today


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN: 9781137306708
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
An interdisciplinary and global approach to the different roles and impact of gold on society and the global economy from the late 19th century to the modern day. This book provides a historical analysis that integrates the different roles of gold-monetary, commodity, banking, industrial and cultural-with the multiple actors- central banks, mining...
Tania Książka
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