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Production Economics

Production Economics

This book covers the basic theory of how, what and when firms should produce to maximise profits. Based on the neoclassical theory of the firm presented in most general microeconomic textbooks, it extends the general treatment and focuses on the application of the theory to specific problems that the firm faces when making production decisions to...
Tania Książka
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Strategy for Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Strategy for Sustainable Competitive Advantage


Autor: Ian Chaston

Wydawnictwo: Routledge
ISBN: 9780415522748
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Due to the adverse outcomes of the recent global recession and the public deficit crisis in the USA and Europe, Western companies can expect flattening or declining sales in their domestic markets. They will also face growing competition as Chinese firms seek to block the activities of foreign companies in their domestic market and expand their own...
Tania Książka
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Value-Based Working Capital Management

Value-Based Working Capital Management

Value-Based Working Capital Management analyzes the causes and effects of improper cash flow management between entrepreneurial organizations with varying levels of risk. This work looks at the motives and criteria for decision-making by entrepreneurs in their efforts to protect the financial security of their businesses and manage financial...
Tania Książka
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Production and Operations Management Systems

Production and Operations Management Systems

Since the beginning of mankind on Earth, if the "busyness" process was successful, then some form of benefit sustained it. The fundamentals are obvious: get the right inputs (materials, labor, money, and ideas); transform them into highly demanded, quality outputs; and make it available in time to the end consumer. Illustrating how operations...
Tania Książka
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City Versus Countryside in Mao's China

City Versus Countryside in Mao's China


Autor: Jeremy Brown

Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781107424548
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
The gap between those living in the city and those in the countryside remains one of China's most intractable problems. As this powerful work of grassroots history argues, the origins of China's rural-urban divide can be traced back to the Mao Zedong era. While Mao pledged to remove the gap between the city worker and the peasant, his revolutionary...
Tania Książka
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Tax Expenditures Shedding Light on Government

Tax Expenditures Shedding Light on Government

Properly used tax expenditures can play an important role in implementing countries' economic and social policies. But they often go unnoticed because they take many forms of revenue forgone, from tax exemptions to tax credits. Without subjecting tax expenditures to the same scrutiny most countries apply to the spending sides of their budgets it is...
Tania Książka
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