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World Almanac  Book of Facts 2005

World Almanac Book of Facts 2005


Autor: K. Park

Wydawnictwo: World Almanac
ISBN: 9780886879389
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
It's the information age, and people need information that's accurate, accessible, useful, and, most of all, reliable. The World Almanac puts a world of information you can trust on every subject imaginable - right in the palm of your hand. No wonder why it's a #1 New York Times bestseller every year, it's sold more than 80 million copies and been...
Tania Książka
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Transport, Climate Change and the City

Transport, Climate Change and the City

Sustainable mobility has long been sought after in cities around the world, particularly in industrialised countries, but also increasingly in the emerging cities in Asia. Progress however appears difficult to make as the private car, still largely fuelled by petrol or diesel, remains the mainstream mode of use. Transport is the key sector where...
Tania Książka
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Global Financial Integration Thirty Years On

Global Financial Integration Thirty Years On

Early in the new millennium it appeared that a long period of financial crisis had come to an end, but the world now faces renewed and greater turmoil. This 2010 volume analyses the past three decades of global financial integration and governance and the recent collapse into crisis, offering a coherent and policy-relevant overview....
Tania Książka
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In Bed with Wall Street

In Bed with Wall Street

The Wall Street meltdown in 2008 brought the country to its knees, and spawned nationwide protests against the lack of regulation and oversight facing Wall Street. But the average American still fails to fully grasp what was - and still is - happening: that the inmates continue to run the asylum. Doyle has been tracking this story for years through...
Tania Książka
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Nonlinear Pricing Methods in Quantitative Finance

Nonlinear Pricing Methods in Quantitative Finance

New Tools to Solve Your Option Pricing Problems For nonlinear PDEs encountered in quantitative finance, advanced probabilistic methods are needed to address dimensionality issues. Written by two leaders in quantitative research-including Risk magazine's 2013 Quant of the Year-Nonlinear Option Pricing compares various numerical methods for solving...
Tania Książka
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Młody obserwator przyrody. Polskie parki narodowe

Młody obserwator przyrody. Polskie parki narodowe


Autor: Praca zbiorowa

Wydawnictwo: Multico
ISBN: 9788370739065
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
Książka przybliża 23 polskie parki narodowe. Pokazuje dlaczego powstały, jakie ciekawe rośliny i zwierzęta chronią na swym terenie i dlaczego warto je poznać i odwiedzić. Dzięki zabawie z książką dziecko pozna polskie parki narodowe, będzie umiało je nazwać, dowie się, gdzie one są. Zobaczy najciekawsze rośliny i zwierzęta Polski....
Tania Książka
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