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In the Hands of a Baker

In the Hands of a Baker

In the Hands of a Baker covers all the basics of selecting and using baking equipment for the professional kitchen. This text provides guidance on purchasing the correct equipment, organizing a workstation, and the proper care and cleaning of all types of baking tools. Identification photographs throughout the text illustrate must-have tools and...
Tania Książka
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Creating Lasting Value

Creating Lasting Value

The consequences of a primary focus on shareholders over the last few decades has emphasized that a new model of value creation is necessary. Today's economy demands organizations that create value, not only for shareholders but also for customers, employees, leaders and society. Businesses that face up to this challenge by focusing on all the...
Tania Książka
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The Financial Crisis and Federal Reserve Policy

The Financial Crisis and Federal Reserve Policy

Written for the motivated non-specialist, this fully revised and updated edition of The Financial Crisis and Federal Reserve Policy provides the most accurate and thorough coverage available of the causes and consequences of the 2008 Financial Crisis, examining the role the Federal Reserve played in preventing a major economic meltdown on par with...
Tania Książka
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Moja dieta dzień po dniu

Moja dieta dzień po dniu


Autor: praca zbiorowa

Wydawnictwo: Firma księgarska JK Olesiejuk
ISBN: 9788327413642
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
Książka "Moja dieta dzień po dniu" sygnowana przez Bonnie Marcus - bizneswoman, trenerkę, kobietę sukcesu związaną ze światem mody - to znacznie więcej niż kalendarzyk, w którym notujesz to, co zjadłaś i jak długo ćwiczyłaś. To miejsce na różne zapiski, lekturę, szkice i teksty, które będą dla ciebie inspiracją, twój niezbędny przewodnik po...
Tania Książka
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Cambridge Marketing Handbook: Research

Cambridge Marketing Handbook: Research

This is a straightforward guide to the key things that all marketers need to know about marketing research. This handbook takes the reader step by step through: the basic principles of market and marketing research; the key roles that research plays in marketing decision making; how to go about planning your research; the types of data and key...
Tania Książka
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Cambridge Marketing Handbook: Stakeholder

Cambridge Marketing Handbook: Stakeholder

Marketers have long held the view that the customer should be central to all they think about, all they do. Yet the developments of the last few years have shown that other forces are at play that can be at least as powerful and long lasting. A broader group of stakeholders exists whose needs and interests must be understood and satisfied in the...
Tania Książka
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