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Economists and the State

Economists and the State

Adam Smith is widely regarded as the 'founder of modern economics'. The author shows, however, that Smith's procedurally based, consequence-detached political economy, an approach shared by America's Founders, finds no expression in the economist's utilitarian, procedurally-detached theory of the state. This 'wrong turn' has meant that, if...
Tania Książka
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The Status Quo Crisis

The Status Quo Crisis

The 2008 financial crisis was the worst since the Great Depression and many voices argued that it would transform global financial governance. Analysts anticipated a ...
Tania Książka
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The Role of the Media in the Financial Crisis

The Role of the Media in the Financial Crisis

The European economic crisis has been ongoing since 2008 and while austerity has spread over the continent is has failed to revive economies. The media have played an important ideological role in presenting the policies of economic and political elites in a favourable light, even if the latter's aim has been to shift the burden of adjustment onto...
Tania Książka
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The Political Economy of Putin's Russia

The Political Economy of Putin's Russia

This book constitutes an up-to-date treatment of Russia's economic development and economic policies since 2000, when Vladimir Putin became the President of Russia. After the slow decline and sudden collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia embarked upon a multi-faceted change. This included transition from central management to a market economy, from...
Tania Książka
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Propaganda is all around us, used to promote a sense of common cause and belonging, change behaviour or influence ideas, as well as to mislead, deceive, even destroy. Perhaps the greatest and most sophisticated exponent of propaganda is the modern state. Using universal themes of conflict, public education, protest and leadership, this book, which...
Tania Książka
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Wybrane metody badań polityki globalnej

Wybrane metody badań polityki globalnej


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Instytut Geopolityki
ISBN: 9788393192472
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Politologia, socjologia
Metodologia znajduje się nieco na marginesie nauki. Wśród młodych naukowców rzadko wzbudza zainteresowanie, najczęściej budząc skojarzenia z dziedziną abstrakcyjną, teoretyczną, trudną i... niepotrzebną. Nic bardziej mylnego - nauka bez metodologii byłaby niczym rzemiosło pozbawione warsztatu czy język bez reguł gramatyki. Doświadczeni badacze...
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