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Opting out of the European Union

Opting out of the European Union

European integration continues to deepen despite major crises and attempts to take back sovereignty. A growing number of member states are reacting to a more constraining EU by negotiating opt-outs. This book provides the first in-depth account of how opt-outs work in practice. It examines the most controversial cases of differentiated integration:...
Tania Książka
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Democratic militarism

Democratic militarism

Why are democracies pursuing more military conflicts, but achieving worse results? Democratic Militarism shows that a combination of economic inequality and military technical change enables an average voter to pay very little of the costs of large militaries and armed conflict, in terms of both death and taxes. Jonathan Caverley provides an...
Tania Książka
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Diffusion of democracy

Diffusion of democracy

This book explores the course and causes of the worldwide diffusion of democracy through an assessment of the political and economic development of individual countries from the year 1800 to 2005. Using this extended range of data and examining multiple variables Barbara Wejnert creates a conceptual model for the diffusion of democracy and to...
Tania Książka
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Peace diplomacy, global justice and international agency

Peace diplomacy, global justice and international agency

As UN Secretary-General, Dag Hammarskjold shaped many of the fundamental principles and practices of international organisations, such as preventive diplomacy, the ethics of international civil service, impartiality and neutrality. He was also at the heart of the constitutional foundations and principles of the UN. This tribute and critical review...
Tania Książka
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Polska, moja miłość

Polska, moja miłość

Słowo, które było na początku, brzmi dla nas po polsku. Gdy nadejdzie koniec, to samo słowo będzie bogatsze o wszystko, co się nam przydarzyło od początku historii. W nim zostaniemy na ziemi. Język gromadzi w sobie prochy wszystkich zdań, możliwych i niemożliwych, wypowiedzianych i przemilczanych. Jeśli pozwolimy, by opuszczony język niszczał w...
Tania Książka
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Introduction to international political economy, global edition

Introduction to international political economy, global edition

A complete and accessible overview of how politics and economics collide in a global context This text surveys the theories, institutions, and relationships that characterize IPE and highlights them in a diverse range of regional and transnational issues. The bestseller in the field, Introduction to International Political Economy positions...
Tania Książka
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