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Researches in Theoretical Geology

Researches in Theoretical Geology

The geologist Sir Henry Thomas De la Beche (1796-1855) made important contributions as both a surveyor and a theorist. Elected to the Royal Society in 1823, he mapped geological strata in Devon during the 1830s and became the founding director of the British Geological Survey, the world's first national geological survey. In 1847, he was elected...
Tania Książka
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Thermo-mechanical Industrial Processes

Thermo-mechanical Industrial Processes

The numerical simulation of manufacturing processes and of their mechanical consequences is of growing interest in industry. However, such simulations need the modeling of couplings between several physical phenomena such as heat transfer, material transformations and solid or fluid mechanics, as well as to be adapted to numerical methodologies....
Tania Książka
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Improving the Performance of Wireless LANS

Improving the Performance of Wireless LANS

While there are countless books on wireless networks, few actually quantify the key performance-limiting factors of wireless local area networks (WLANs) and describe various methods for improving WLAN performance. Fulfilling these needs, Improving the Performance of Wireless LANs: A Practical Guide provides both theoretical background and empirical...
Tania Książka
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Measurement and Monitoring

Measurement and Monitoring


Autor: Anthony Hope

Wydawnictwo: Momentum
ISBN: 9781606503799
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Automated machinery, such as computer numerical control machines (CNM), require constant monitoring for accuracy and precision. Thus, a correct understanding of 'metrology' - the science of measurement - is essential to the successful running and maintenance of all automated machines, and especially CNC machines. This book presents the main methods...
Tania Książka
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Matematyka. Matura z matematyki w roku 2015, 2016... Zbiór zadań. Zakres rozszerzony. Klasa 1-3. Materiały pomocnicze - szkoła ponadgimnazjalna
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Kimball's Data Warehouse Toolkit Classics

Kimball's Data Warehouse Toolkit Classics

Three books by the bestselling authors on Data Warehousing! The most authoritative guides from the inventor of the technique all for a value price.The Data Warehouse Toolkit, 3rd Edition (9781118530801) Ralph Kimball invented a data warehousing technique called "dimensional modeling" and popularized it in his first Wiley book, The Data Warehouse...
Tania Książka
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