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Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System

Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System


Autor: Udo Schumacher

Wydawnictwo: Thieme Verlag
ISBN: 9781604069228
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
The impressive nature of these atlases cannot be overstatedthe illustrationsare unique and should be considered real works of art. Journal of the American Medical Association The authors are to be congratulated on their valuable contribution to both PT and OT literature. This series will be especially helpful to the student of physical therapy or...
Tania Książka
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Technika. Zajęcia techniczne. Klasa 6. Zeszyt ćwiczeń - szkoła podstawowa

Technika. Zajęcia techniczne. Klasa 6. Zeszyt ćwiczeń - szkoła podstawowa

Zeszyt zawiera treści programowe zgodne z podstawą programową z zajęć technicznych w szkole podstawowej. Zeszyt jest przewidziany do nauczania zajęć technicznych w kl. VI. Zawiera materiał do przeprowadzenia 36 godzin lekcyjnych (1 godzina tygodniowo przez cały rok). Zawiera szereg ćwiczeń, tabel, schematów, rysunków. Jest doskonałą pomocą...
Tania Książka
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Mosby's Handbook of Anatomy  Physiology

Mosby's Handbook of Anatomy Physiology

Find important anatomy and physiology principles at a glance! A full-color, pocket-sized reference, Mosby's Handbook of Anatomy Physiology, 2nd Edition makes it easier to look up AP facts and concepts fast. Quick-reference tables summarize key anatomy and physiology information, and hundreds of illustrations show how the body works including...
Tania Książka
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Bratton's Family Medicine Board Review

Bratton's Family Medicine Board Review

Prepare for your ABFM boards - find your weak spots and eliminate them now! Handy in print and as an eBook, Bratton's Family Medicine Board Review is the essential practice test for those facing the ABFM exams. Opening with the basic requirements of the ABFM Board certification process, it provides crucial background information on all three AFBM...
Tania Książka
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Source Mechanisms of Earthquakes

Source Mechanisms of Earthquakes

This book presents an innovative new approach to studying source mechanisms of earthquakes, combining theory and observation in a unified methodology, with a key focus on the mechanics governing fault failures. It explains source mechanisms by building from fundamental concepts such as the equations of elasticity theory to more advanced problems...
Tania Książka
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Gendering Family Policies in post-Communist Europe

Gendering Family Policies in post-Communist Europe

Through the use of a historical-institutional perspective, this detailed and compelling study compares and contrasts the family policies of Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe. With particular reference to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, this book explores family policies in Post-Communist Europe and analyzes how these...
Tania Książka
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