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Solution Manual for Quantum Mechanics

Solution Manual for Quantum Mechanics

This is the solution manual for Riazuddin's and Fayyazuddin's Quantum Mechanics (2nd edition). The questions in the original book were selected with a view to illustrate the physical concepts and use of mathematical techniques which show their universality in tackling various problems of different physical origins. This solution manual contains the...
Tania Książka
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Critical Dynamics

Critical Dynamics

Introducing a unified framework for describing and understanding complex interacting systems common in physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, and the social sciences, this comprehensive overview of dynamic critical phenomena covers the description of systems at thermal equilibrium, quantum systems, and non-equilibrium systems. Powerful mathematical...
Tania Książka
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Wybrane metody badań polityki globalnej

Wybrane metody badań polityki globalnej


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Instytut Geopolityki
ISBN: 9788393192472
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Politologia, socjologia
Metodologia znajduje się nieco na marginesie nauki. Wśród młodych naukowców rzadko wzbudza zainteresowanie, najczęściej budząc skojarzenia z dziedziną abstrakcyjną, teoretyczną, trudną i... niepotrzebną. Nic bardziej mylnego - nauka bez metodologii byłaby niczym rzemiosło pozbawione warsztatu czy język bez reguł gramatyki. Doświadczeni badacze...
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Osiąganie umysłu Buddy
Tania Książka
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Theories and Models for Chemical Bonding

Theories and Models for Chemical Bonding


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: VCH
ISBN: 9783527333141
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
This is the perfect complement to "Chemical Bonding - Across the Periodic Table" by the same editors, who are two of the top scientists working on this topic, each with extensive experience and important connections within the community. The resulting book is a unique overview of the different approaches used for describing a chemical bond,...
Tania Książka
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Modern Trends in Vascular Surgery Venous Disorders

Modern Trends in Vascular Surgery Venous Disorders

The "Modern Trends in Vascular Surgery" series of books contain the latest discoveries, techniques, practice and outcomes in vascular surgery. There are approximately 40 to 45 chapters in each book, classified under the following headings: cerebrovascular, ischemia, infrainguinal lesions, aortic aneurysm, thoracic aortic pathology, aorta and its...
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