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Is the EU Doomed?

Is the EU Doomed?

The European Union is in crisis. Crippled by economic problems, political brinkmanship, and institutional rigidity, the EU faces an increasingly uncertain future. In this compelling essay, leading scholar of European politics, Jan Zielonka argues that although the EU will only survive in modest form - deprived of many real powers - Europe as an...
Tania Książka
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Wolność od karmy

Wolność od karmy

W ośmiu wykładach Swami Rama z różnej perspektywy rozważa najważniejsze zadanie stojące przed człowiekiem - zrozumienie samego siebie. Karmę rozumianą jako pochodną czynów i stanów, symbolizuje sznur spleciony z wielu nici, który trzyma jaźń w niewoli cierpienia i skazuje ją na wielokrotne wcielenia....
Tania Książka
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International Mediation

International Mediation

Conflicts in the international system, both among and within states, bring death, destruction, and human misery. Understanding how third parties use mediation to encourage settlements and establish a durable peace among belligerents is vital for managing these conflicts. Among many features, this book empirically examines the history of...
Tania Książka
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Economists and the State

Economists and the State

Adam Smith is widely regarded as the 'founder of modern economics'. The author shows, however, that Smith's procedurally based, consequence-detached political economy, an approach shared by America's Founders, finds no expression in the economist's utilitarian, procedurally-detached theory of the state. This 'wrong turn' has meant that, if...
Tania Książka
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The Status Quo Crisis

The Status Quo Crisis

The 2008 financial crisis was the worst since the Great Depression and many voices argued that it would transform global financial governance. Analysts anticipated a ...
Tania Książka
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Transformation of Biomass

Transformation of Biomass


Autor: Andreas Hornung

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781119973270
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Biomass is a key resource for meeting the energy and material demands of mankind in the future. As a result, businesses and technologies are developing around biomass processing and its applications. Transformation of Biomass: Theory to Practice explores the modern applications of biomass and bio-based residues for the generation of energy, heat...
Tania Książka
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