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I'm a Stranger Here Myself

I'm a Stranger Here Myself

In 1990, spurred on by the success of his writing and his marriage to the writer Aileen Armitage, Deric Longden made a momentous move to a foreign country. Huddersfield, in Yorkshire, with its distinctive manners and customs and its wealth of remarkable characters, would surely provide him with all the material he needed for his planned book, one...
Tania Książka
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Ashdown Diaries vol 1 1988-1997

Ashdown Diaries vol 1 1988-1997


Autor: Paddy Ashdown

Wydawnictwo: Penguin
ISBN: 0140297758
Kategoria: Literatura faktu, reportaż
/ Biografie
'I am plagued by the nightmare that the party that started with Gladstone will end with Ashdown'. Paddy Ashdown wrote this following his election as Leader of the future Liberal Democrats in 1988. Faced with party infighting, the conflict with David Own and the SDP, and the brink of financial insolvency, Ashdown's future seemed doomed. However, by...
Tania Książka
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Alek  Sudanese Refugee to International Supermodel

Alek Sudanese Refugee to International Supermodel

Alek Wek grew up in the Sudan in the midst of the vicious civil war. Now, at age 28, she is one of the most sought-after supermodels in the world, and has single-handedly changed the traditional concept of what is beautiful in the West. As model, refugee activist and businesswoman she is an inspiration - and this remarkable real-life story sheds...
Tania Książka
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Edvard Grieg in England

Edvard Grieg in England

When Edvard Grieg came to give his first concerts in London, he had the world at his feet. As the first composer to transmute the sights and sounds of his own spectacular country into music, he was held to be both prophet and pioneer, and English writers described him as the most popular of all living composers, commenting, when he returned to...
Tania Książka
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lsquo;I have attempted to write the following account of myself, as if I were a dead man in another world looking back on my own life hellip;rsquo; Self-taught and ambitious, Darwin genuinely believed he was lsquo;below the common standard in intellectrsquo; and had gained little from formal education. Yet he also knew he had seized his one great...
Tania Książka
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Kot w pralce - książka z autografem

Kot w pralce - książka z autografem

"Kot w pralce" to zbiór felietonów. Wstęp do książki napisał Janusz Głowacki. Z prawie 300 tekstów, ukazujących się w magazynie "Viva!" w latach 2001 - 2012, wybrane zostały prawdziwe perełki, w których autor w sposób dowcipny, nierzadko z dużą dozą ironii, komentuje rzeczywistość i wprowadza nas na salony....
Tania Książka
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