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Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor

This book brings together a collection of photographs and commentary celebrating Elizabeth Taylor's timeless sense of style, both on-screen and off, which ran the gamut from her high glamour Hollywood gowns and jewelry to her extraordinary earthy beauty which transcended every embellishment of fashion. She was a star who was both idolized as a...
Tania Książka
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Stones into Schools

Stones into Schools


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Penguin;Viking
ISBN: 9780670021581
Kategoria: Literatura faktu, reportaż
/ Biografie
In this dramatic first-person narrative, Greg Mortenson picks up where Three Cups of Tea left off in 2003, recounting his relentless, ongoing efforts to establish schools for girls in Afghanistan; his extensive work in Azad Kashmir and Pakistan after a massive earthquake hit the region in 2005; and the unique ways he has built relationships with...
Tania Książka
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Samtliche Werke Abt. IV. Bd 61

Samtliche Werke Abt. IV. Bd 61


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Olms Verlag GMBH Weidmannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH
ISBN: 9783487132556
Kategoria: Literatura faktu, reportaż
/ Biografie
Professor Christian Andree has edited for the first time the complete correspondence of all Virchow#8217;s surviving letters to Theodor Goldst#252;cker, complemented by Goldst#252;cker#8217;s own letters to Virchow.The indologist Goldst#252;cker (K#246;nigsberg 1821-1872 London) was one of the most important scholars of India of the modern age. As...
Tania Książka
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Prospero's Son

Prospero's Son

This book is the record of a struggle between two temperaments, two consciousnesses and almost two epochs." That's how Edmund Gosse opened "Father and Son", the classic 1907 book about his relationship with his father. Seth Lerer's "Prospero's Son" is, as fits our latter days, altogether more complicated, layered, and multivalent, but at its heart...
Tania Książka
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Karin Stanek. Autostopem z malowaną lalą

Karin Stanek. Autostopem z malowaną lalą


Autor: Anna Kryszkiewicz

Wydawnictwo: Nowy Świat
ISBN: 9788373865174
Kategoria: Literatura faktu, reportaż
/ Biografie
Biografia Karin Stanek pióra jej wieloletniej przyjaciółki i menedżerki. "Karin nie miała spokojnego, beztroskiego dzieciństwa. Urodziła się w Bytomiu w wielodzietnej rodzinie i po ukończeniu szkoły podstawowej musiała pomóc mamie w wychowaniu młodszego rodzeństwa. Jedynie w wolnych chwilach czytała i marzyła. Ale kiedy pewnego dnia dostała do rąk...
Tania Książka
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Quest in the Middle East

Quest in the Middle East


Autor: L. Lukitz

Wydawnictwo: I.B. TAURIS
ISBN: 1850434158
Kategoria: Literatura faktu, reportaż
/ Biografie
Revered or reviled, Gertrude Bell was a commanding figure: scholar, linguist, archeologist, traveller and 'orientalist'. Belonging to the tradition of the great British Middle East enthusiasts of the early 20th century, she explored the Ottoman Empire during and after World War I and was hugely instrumental in the post-war reconfiguration of the...
Tania Książka
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