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Set in stone

Set in stone

Recovering from the recent death of his wife in a tragic accident, Tony Sheridan goes to stay with his sister-in-law, Lucy, and her husband, long-time friend Matt Prior, at their new home in the country - Otherways. It is a strange, circular, moated house, the only surviving creation of an eccentric and reclusive Edwardian architect. Disturbed by...
Tania Książka
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Capturing the Light

Capturing the Light

This is the story of two lone geniuses and the extraordinary race to invent photography. "Capturing the Light" starts with a tiny scrap of purple-tinged paper, 176 years old and about the size of a postage stamp. On it you can just make out a tiny, ghostly image of a gothic window, an image so small and perfect that it 'might be supposed to be the...
Tania Książka
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Secret Life of War

Secret Life of War


Autor: Peter Beaumont

Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books
ISBN: 9780099520986
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Journeys Through Modern Conflict The reporter and the photojournalist witness up close what no one else should see. Only those who have been there can comprehend.The Secret Life of War is an awesome read, the best enquiry into killing and suffering I've encountered. A plea for resolution, a document of brutal honesty, the bare truth: in it beats...
Tania Książka
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Kuby Immunology

Kuby Immunology

Presenting current concepts in an experimental context, Immunology has now been thoroughly updated. It includes a new chapter on innate immunity, a capstone chapter on immune responses in time and space, and many new focus boxes drawing attention to exciting clinical, evolutionary or experimental connections that help bring the material to life....
Tania Książka
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Autor: E.T.A. Hoffmann

Wydawnictwo: Gramercy Books
ISBN: 9780517552858
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Renowned illustrator Sendak joins with eminent translator Ralph Manheim to produce this lushly illustrated edition of Hoffman's wonderful tale....
Tania Książka
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Year in Pictures 2005

Year in Pictures 2005


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: TimeIncorporated Home Entertainment
ISBN: 9781932273526
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Organized chronologically and illustrated with more than 150 photographs, Life Year in Pictures 2005 is a pictorial encyclopedia of the year gone by. Revisited in classic images and insightful text are the most notable people, places, and events of 2004. Also remembered are a years work of fashions, trends, films and foibles. ...
Tania Książka
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