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Kicking the Carbon Habit: Global Warming and the Case for Renewable and Nuclear Energy

Kicking the Carbon Habit: Global Warming and the Case for Renewable and Nuclear Energy

The effects of global warming are now a reality. Global warming played a major role in Hurricane Katrina, and its impact on agriculture and climate can jeopardize entire regional economic systems. Drawing on interviews with scientists and exploring the most up-to-date research, William Sweet examines what the United States can do to prevent further...
Tania Książka
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Social Justice and the Urban Obesity Crisis

Social Justice and the Urban Obesity Crisis


Autor: Melvin Delgado

Wydawnictwo: Columbia University Press
ISBN: 9780231160094
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Urban America is in the midst of an obesity crisis caused by more than just biology and diet. A number of economic, cultural, and contextual factors are causing this epidemic, which can create chronic health conditions for those least able to manage them. Despite scholars' best efforts to tackle the issue, the problem persists, largely because its...
Tania Książka
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Autobiography of a Geisha

Autobiography of a Geisha

'Sayo Masuda has written the first full-length autobiography of a former hot-springs-resort geisha. Masuda was sent to work as a nursemaid at the age of six and then was sold to a geisha house at the age of twelve. In keeping with tradition, she first worked as a servant while training in the arts of dance, song, shamisen, and drum. In 1940, at the...
Tania Książka
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Antitrust  the Formation of the Postwar World

Antitrust the Formation of the Postwar World


Autor: Wells

Wydawnictwo: Columbia University Press
ISBN: 9780231123990
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Today antitrust law shapes the policy of almost every large company, no matter where headquartered. But this wasn't always the case. Before World War II, the laws of most industrial countries tolerated and even encouraged cartels, whereas American statutes banned them. In the wake of World War II, the United States devoted considerable resources to...
Tania Książka
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Genes  DNA

Genes DNA

This book provides a well-rounded introduction to the fundamental concepts and practical applications of genetics. Written specifically for nonbiologists, the book covers all the basic concepts from classical and molecular genetics to quantitative and population genetics, including cloning and genetic diseases, and discusses the many applications...
Tania Książka
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Sense  Nonsense of Revolt

Sense Nonsense of Revolt

Linguist, psychoanalyst and cultural theorist Julia Kristeva explores one aspect of 20th-century culture - rebellion - in this text. She illustrates the advances and impasses of rebel culture through the experiences of three 20th-century writers: Jean-Paul Sartre, Louis Aragon and Roland Barthes....
Tania Książka
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