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The Fifth Head of Cerberus

The Fifth Head of Cerberus


Autor: Wolfe Gene

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99856704034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Far from Earth two sister planets, Sainte Anne and Sainte Croix, circle each other. It is said that a race of shapeshifting aliens once lived here, only to become extinct when human colonists arrived. But one man believes they still exist, somewhere out in the wilderness.In THE FIFTH HEAD OF CERBERUS, Gene Wolfe brilliantly interweaves three tales:...
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Autor: Aldiss Brian

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99856604034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In the year 2093, human consciousness has expanded to the point that man can visit the past using a technique called 'mind-travelling'. Artist Edward Bush returns from a lengthy 'trip' to the Jurassic period to find the government overthrown by an authoritarian regime. Given his mind-travel experience, he is recruited by the new regime to track...
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Odd John

Odd John


Autor: Stapledon Olaf

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99856504034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
John Wainwright is a freak, a human mutation with an extraordinary intelligence which is both awesome and frightening to behold. Ordinary humans are mere playthings to him. And Odd John has a plan to create a new order on Earth, a new supernormal species. But the world is not ready for such a change …...
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Autor: Wolfe Bernard

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99856404034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In the aftermath of an atomic war, a new international movement of pacifism has arisen. Multitudes of young men have chosen to curb their aggressive instincts through voluntary amputation - disarmament in its most literal sense.Those who have undergone this procedure are highly esteemed in the new society. But they have a problem - their...
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The Man Who Fell to Earth

The Man Who Fell to Earth


Autor: Tevis Walter

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99856304034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Thomas Jerome Newton is an extraterrestrial from the planet Anthea, which has been devastated by a series of nuclear wars, and whose inhabitants are twice as intelligent as human beings. When he lands on Earth - in Kentucky, disguised as a human - it's with the intention of saving his own people from extinction. Newton patents some very advanced...
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The Body Snatchers

The Body Snatchers


Autor: Finney Jack

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99855504034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Originally published in 1955 Jack Finney's sinister SF tale has outgrown the initial debate about whether it satirized Communism or the conformity of US society at the time, to become a classic of paranoia; an examination of our fear of 'the other'.Most people know the story from seeing THE INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, the classic 1978 remake...
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