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Autor: Clarke Arthur C.

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99854104034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The time: 200 years after man's first landing on the Moon. There are permanent populations established on the Moon, Venus and Mars. Outer space inhabitants have formed a new political entity, the Federation, and between the Federation and Earth a growing rivalry has developed. EARTHLIGHT is the story of this emerging conflict.Two centuries from now...
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Second Stage Lensmen

Second Stage Lensmen


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99853504034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Kim Kinnison, Number One man of his time, had faced challenges before - but rarely one as daunting as this. To him fell the perilous task of infiltrating the inner circle of Boskone, stronghold of galactic civilization's most deadly foe. Kinnison had to become a loyal Boskonian in every gesture, deed and thought. He had to work his way up through...
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The Sands of Mars

The Sands of Mars


Autor: Clarke Arthur C.

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99853204034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
It is the twenty-first century. On Mars a dedicated group of pioneers - among them some of Earth's finest brains - struggle to change the face of the planet . . .Science fiction writer Martin Gibson finally gets a chance to visit the research colony on the Red Planet. It's a dream come true - until he discovers the difficulties and perils of...
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Children of the Lens

Children of the Lens


Autor: 'Doc' Smiths E. E.

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99853004034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
It was beginning to look as though no one could prevent the annihilation of the civilized Universe. For a weird intelligence was directing the destruction of all civilization from the icy depths of outer space.Kim Kinnison of the Galactic Patrol was one of the few men who knew how near the end was. And in the last desperate stratagem to save the...
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Autor: Kuttner Henry

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99852904034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Earth is long dead, blasted apart, and the human survivors who settled on Venus live in huge citadels beneath the Venusian seas in an atrophying, class-ridden society ruled by the Immortals - genetic mutations who live a thousand years or more. Sam Reed was born an immortal, born to rule those with a normal life-span, but his deranged father...
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Galactic Patrol

Galactic Patrol


Autor: 'Doc' Smiths E. E.

Wydawnictwo: Orion Books
ISBN: 99852804034KS
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The space-pirates of Boskone raided at will, menacing the whole structure of interstellar civilization. Master-minded by a super-scientist, their conquering fleets outgunned even the mighty space cruisers of the Galactic Patrol.When Lensman Kim Kinnison of the Patrol discovered the secret Boskonian base, it was invulnerable to outside attack. But...
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