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The Complete Marketer

The Complete Marketer

The Complete Marketer is an accessible source of hard intelligence about the marketing discipline, broken down into over 60 constituent chapters - including internet marketing, understanding consumers, market audits, segmentation, advertising and PR, and managing a sales team. Designed as the ultimate 'dive-in' resource, the book applies the...
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Emotionomics Leveraging Emotions for Business Success

Emotionomics Leveraging Emotions for Business Success


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Kogan Page
ISBN: 9780749453992
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Psychologia
I believe that 'emotion' is where it's at' - Tom Peters. For far too long, emotions have been ignored in favour of rationality and efficiency, but breakthroughs in brain science have revealed that people are primarily emotional decision-makers. But many companies have not yet accepted that fact, much less acted on it. "Emotionomics" will help you...
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Marketing Stripped Bare

Marketing Stripped Bare


Autor: Patrick Forsyth

Wydawnictwo: Kogan Page
ISBN: 9780749439972
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Often misunderstood, "marketing" is not a euphemism for advertising or selling, rather, it is a whole approach to business. It relates an organization to its market and ultimately brings in business. This book demystifies the process, explaining what marketing is and why it's so important. It aims to be suitable for everyone from the most jaded...
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Category Management in Purchasing

Category Management in Purchasing


Autor: Jonathan O'Brien

Wydawnictwo: Kogan Page
ISBN: 9780749464981
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Category Management is a technique used to understand markets, analyse spend and make purchasing decisions which save money. It is about a pathway from accepting mediocre goods and services at high cost, to effective supply management which delivers real value. By altering how goods are categorised and supplied it helps shift sourcing from being an...
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The Happy Manifesto

The Happy Manifesto


Autor: Henry Stewart

Wydawnictwo: Kogan Page
ISBN: 9780749467517
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Imagine a workplace where people are energized and motivated by being in control of the work they do. Imagine they are trusted and given freedom, within clear guidelines, to decide how to achieve their results. Imagine they are able to get the life balance they want. Imagine they are valued according to the work they do, rather than the number of...
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Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with Difficult People


Autor: Roy Lilley

Wydawnictwo: Kogan Page
ISBN: 9780749466947
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Moaners, fault finders, manipulators - these are just a few examples of the difficult people we put up with at work. However by understanding their motives and individual behaviours you can learn to manage aggression, avoid awkward situations and keep your cool. This second edition of the best-selling Dealing with Difficult People includes a brand...
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