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EBOOK Hunted Hare

EBOOK Hunted Hare


Autor: Fay Sampson

Wydawnictwo: Monarch Books
ISBN: 9780857213402
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Pennant Melangell lies at the head of a mountain valley in North Wales. It consists of a church, with the medieval shrine and pilgrimage site of St Melangell, a few cottages - and a newly constructed hotel, the House of the Hare, built by its imposing director Thaddeus Brown. To the House of the Hare come Aidan and Jenny Davison, with their...
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EBOOK Death on Lindisfarne

EBOOK Death on Lindisfarne


Autor: Fay Sampson

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9781782640530
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Aidan brings his bright 8-year-old daughter Melangell to the retreat centre on the holy island of Lindisfarne to show her the places about which her recently-dead mother Jenny wrote books. There they meet Lucy, a Methodist minister, who is running a course on Northumbrian saints. When Rachel, a troubled teenager whom Lucy had befriended, is found...
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