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EBOOK King's Hand

EBOOK King's Hand


Autor: Anna Thayer

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9781782640783
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Eamon Goodhand, promoted to the rank of Hand at a speed he can scarcely credit, is regarded with suspicion by many of his fellow officers. Nevertheless, his abilities - particularly in interrogation of prisoners - are prized by his superiors. But Eamon conceals a fatal secret: he is sworn to both Eldered, master of the city of Dunthruik, and...
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EBOOK If You Follow Me

EBOOK If You Follow Me


Autor: Pam Rhodes

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9781782640806
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In the parish of Dunbridge, hard choices face not only Neil, but also Claire and Wendy. Ben, Claire's former lover and Sam's father, arrives back from Australia keen to pick up where they left off. Neil finds Wendy very supportive - but is she biding her time? Meanwhile, Neil has little chance to ponder his future as the whole...
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EBOOK Abbot's Agreement

EBOOK Abbot's Agreement


Autor: Mel Starr

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9781782641100
Kategoria: Pozostałe
My life would have been more tranquil in the days after Martinmas had I not seen the crows. Whatever it was that the crows had found lay in the dappled shadow of the bare limbs of the oak, so I was nearly upon the thing before I recognized what the crows were feasting upon. The corpse wore black. Master Hugh is making his way towards Oxford when he...
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EBOOK Traitor's Heir

EBOOK Traitor's Heir


Autor: Anna Thayer

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9781782640769
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Young Eamon Goodhand has completed his training to join the Gauntlet, the army of the overlord Eldered. Eldered maintains tight control of his domain by virtue of the Gauntlet, his commanders the Hands, and his grimoire the Nightholt. Eamon swears to serve his master in opposing the villainous Wayfarers, whose depredations threaten the land. His...
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EBOOK First Steps Through Insomnia

EBOOK First Steps Through Insomnia


Autor: Simon Atkins

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9780745957814
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In this short but comprehensive book, Dr. Simon Atkins tackles the causes of sleeplessness, and what we can do about it. Full of practical tips and ideas, this book will be the start of a proper night's sleep. Research suggests that over half of us have bouts of insomnia and that persistent sleep deprivation can increase the risk of conditions...
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EBOOK Casting the Net

EBOOK Casting the Net


Autor: Pam Rhodes

Wydawnictwo: Lion
ISBN: 9781782640639
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Neil returns from ordination inspired by his sense of ministry, but determined to distance himself from the two ladies in his life. This is not altogether well received, and a wide segment of the congregation of St Stephen's Dunbridge - including the music group - points Neil to the error of his ways. Meanwhile Neil's close friend Colin...
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