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Globalization and Sustainable Economic Development

Globalization and Sustainable Economic Development

In a world in transition and an era of transformation, Mahtaney calls for reflection and an analysis of a wide canvas of global economic experience. Her new work initiates a thorough review of the strategies and policies that have been pursued over the past two decades. The economic meltdown compelled the beginning of the next phase of...
Tania Książka
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Capital Flows and Exchange Rate Management

Capital Flows and Exchange Rate Management

Integration with the global economy has opened India to cross-border flows of not merely goods and services, but also financial capital. India is now a preferred destination among the emerging market economies for foreign investors. Is this transition necessarily beneficial for the Indian economy? What are its consequences and how is it to be...
Tania Książka
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Divided Nations

Divided Nations

With rapid globalization, the world is more deeply interconnected than ever before. While this has its advantages, it also brings with it systemic risks that are only just being identified and understood. Rapid urbanization, together with technological leaps, such as the Internet, mean that we are now physically and virtually closer than ever in...
Tania Książka
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Znaczenie promocji w działalności marketingowej przedsiębiorstwa (na przykładzie Rolniczej Spółdzielni Mleczarskiej Rolmlecz w Radomiu)

Znaczenie promocji w działalności marketingowej przedsiębiorstwa (na przykładzie Rolniczej Spółdzielni Mleczarskiej Rolmlecz w Radomiu)

Niniejsza praca udowadnia tezę, że dobre imię, nieskazitelny wizerunek oraz powszechne uznanie dla przedsiębiorstwa (oraz jego produktów) działającego w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej, mogą być wspomagane przez bardzo starannie zaplanowane i prowadzone działania promocyjne....
Tania Książka
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Dark Pools

Dark Pools


Autor: Scott Patterson

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9781847940988
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Dark Pools is the pacy, revealing, and profoundly chilling tale of how global markets have been hijacked by trading robots - many so self-directed that humans can't predict what they'll do next. It's the story of the blisteringly intelligent computer programmers behind the rise of these 'bots'. And it's a timely warning that as artificial...
Tania Książka
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Business and Scientific Workflows

Business and Scientific Workflows


Autor: Wei Tan

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781118171332
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
This reference book for system engineers, architects, and managers focuses on how to design, analyze, and deploy Web service-based workflows for both business and scientific applications in a broad domain of healthcare and biomedicine. It discusses recent research and development results, as well as applications including healthcare and biomedical...
Tania Książka
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