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The history of Polish diplomacy

The history of Polish diplomacy

Celem tego niezwykle bogato ilustrowanego albumu jest ukazanie głównych kierunków polskiej polityki zagranicznej od początku istnienia państwa polskiego do odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości w 1918 roku. Instytucje i postaci, które miały wpływ na rozwój stosunków dyplomatycznych Polski, ukazane zostały w kontekście historycznym. Bogata...
Tania Książka
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A Cultural History of Sexuality in the Middle Ages

A Cultural History of Sexuality in the Middle Ages


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
ISBN: 9781472554772
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
Historians of sexuality have often assumed that medieval people were less interested in sex than we are. But people in the Middle Ages wrote a great deal about sex: in confessors' manuals, in virginity treatises, and in literary texts. This volume looks afresh at the cultural meanings that sex had throughout the period, presenting new evidence and...
Tania Książka
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The Crusades: A History

The Crusades: A History

The Crusades: A History is the definitive account of a key topic in medieval and religious history. Jonathan Riley-Smith, a world authority on the subject, explores the organisation of a crusade, the experience of crusading and the crusaders themselves, producing a textbook that is as accessible as it is comprehensive. This exciting new third...
Tania Książka
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The Science of Marketing

The Science of Marketing


Autor: Dan Zarrella

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781118138274
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Scientific marketing research delivers proven marketing tactics and tips The Science of Marketing applies a scientific approach to the way businesses and brands approach marketing. It uses a combination of marketing, statistical, and psychological research to explain why and, more importantly, how, companies should adapt marketing strategies such...
Tania Książka
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Agricultural Markets in a Transitioning Economy

Agricultural Markets in a Transitioning Economy


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: CAB International
ISBN: 9781780641003
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
This book presents major challenges and opportunities facing agriculture sectors in the wake of the transition from a planned to market economy. Using Albania as a case study, it examines the shift from communism to free markets and the lasting effects of such change on agricultural production and education. Using primary research sources to give...
Tania Książka
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The Republic of Pirates

The Republic of Pirates


Autor: Colin Woodward

Wydawnictwo: PanMacmillan
ISBN: 9781447243939
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
In the early eighteenth century a number of the great pirate captains, including Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach and 'Black Sam' Bellamy, joined forces. This infamous 'Flying Gang' was more than simply a thieving band of brothers. Many of its members had come to piracy as a revolt against conditions in the merchant fleet and in the cities and plantations...
Tania Książka
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