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Rural Poverty Alleviation in Brazil

Rural Poverty Alleviation in Brazil


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: World Bank
ISBN: 9780821352069
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
This report constitutes a step towards the objective of designing an integrated strategy for rural poverty reduction in Brazil. The report contains an updated and more detailed profile of the rural poor in the Northeast and Southeast of Brazil; identifies key determinants of rural poverty in these regions; and proposes a straetgic framwork in which...
Tania Książka
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FT Guide to Foreign Exchange Trading

FT Guide to Foreign Exchange Trading

An introduction to the fast growing $1.5 billion foreign exchange trading marketplace, showing you how the markets work, how to trade them successfully and how to mitigate risk. The Financial Times Guide to Foreign Exchange Tradingis the authoritative primer, the first port of call for anyone interested in foreign exchange trading and wants to...
Tania Książka
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Complete Dressmaking Skills

Complete Dressmaking Skills


Autor: Lorna Knight

Wydawnictwo: Barron's Educational Series Inc
ISBN: 9781438003566
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
This new addition to Barron's Online Movie Book Guides combines the comprehensive detail of an illustrated manual with the classroom-style benefit of video tutorials to offer readers one of most in depth guides on dressmaking available. Inside the book, readers will find QR Codes and URLs that they can use with their...
Tania Książka
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Chronicles of the Vikings

Chronicles of the Vikings


Autor: R. I. Page

Wydawnictwo: British Museum Press
ISBN: 9780714123417
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
There have been many books about the Vikings, but few that see them from their own point of view. Most accounts rely heavily on the records of prejudiced observers (who saw the Vikings only as savage raiders) or the archaeological record, which tells us much about their material culture but little about their values. This classic book reveals how...
Tania Książka
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Tertiary Education in Colombia

Tertiary Education in Colombia


Autor: Patrick Honohan

Wydawnictwo: World Bank
ISBN: 9780821354667
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
This work analyses the regulatory, institutional and economic challenges facing tertiary education in Colmbia with a view to allow a growing share of the country's population to access equitable and quality tertiary education. The challenges of the future lie with confronting traditional limitations within a rapidly changing environment. This...
Tania Książka
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Rośliny lecznicze. Leksykon

Rośliny lecznicze. Leksykon


Autor: Teresa Lewkowicz-Mosiej

Wydawnictwo: Świat Książki
ISBN: 9788377995570
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
Podręczny, bardzo przydatny leksykon, zawierający 500 opisów najpopularniejszych roślin leczniczych wraz z ich zdjęciami. Jakie substancje zawierają i co leczą? Skąd pochodzą i jak wyglądają? Nazwy roślin zostały podane po łacinie, angielsku, niemiecku, francusku i rosyjsku. Idealne kompendium wiedzy, jaką posiedli nasi przodkowie, byśmy i dziś...
Tania Książka
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