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Autor: Karolyn Kiisel

Wydawnictwo: Laurence King Publishing
ISBN: 9781780672861
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
Draping is the art of using cotton muslin to create a fashion design directly on a mannequin. It is an essential skill for fashion designers. In this book, Karolyn Kiisel presents a series of step-by-step projects, creating real garments in classic styles, that are designed to develop skills from the most basic to more advanced techniques. Starting...
Tania Książka
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Dni walczącej Stolicy

Dni walczącej Stolicy


Autor: Władysław Bartoszewski

Wydawnictwo: Świat Książki
ISBN: 9788379434466
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
Dni walczącej Stolicy to książka wyjątkowa - zapis sześćdziesięciu siedmiu audycji dokumentalnych poświęconych powstańczej Warszawie. Były one nadawane w programie III Polskiego Radia od 30 lipca do 4 października 1981 roku i odtworzone przez Rozgłośnię Polską Radia Wolna Europa w 1984 roku. Ogromną wartością książki Władysława Bartoszewskiego...
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Guide to Measurement Using the New Rules of Measurement

Guide to Measurement Using the New Rules of Measurement

The RICS New Rules of Measurement mean that the construction industry now has a way of allowing a more consistent approach to the measurement and estimating of buildings from the start of a project, right through until the end, and beyond. Measurement using the New Rules of Measurement offers comprehensive guidance on all the technical...
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EU Competition Procedure

EU Competition Procedure


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199641833
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Written by a distinguished team with extensive experience in the area, this key analytical commentary on the competition procedures of the EU provides in-depth coverage of the relevant rules. The work discusses in detail the Commission's package of regulations and guidelines and their interaction in practice. This third edition fully updates the...
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Secondhand  Vintage New York

Secondhand Vintage New York


Autor: Debra Johnston Cobb

Wydawnictwo: Vivays Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781908126344
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
The culture of thriftiness runs deep in New Yorkers. The immigrants of the Lower East Side knew about hand-me-downs, mending and making-do, pushcarts and the rag-and-bone pickers; in 1921 the actress Fanny Brice sang about 'Secondhand Rose' in the Ziegfeld Follies. Covering Manhattan plus Williamsburg and downtown Brooklyn, this new volume in our...
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Project Management - Best Practices

Project Management - Best Practices

Senior executives and project managers from more than 50 world-class companies offer their best practices for successful project management implementation. The first two editions of the bestselling Project Management Best Practices helped project managers navigate the increasingly complex task of working within global corporations employing distant...
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