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A Dictionary of Finance and Banking

A Dictionary of Finance and Banking

This best-selling Dictionary of Finance and Banking includes over 5,200 entries. The fifth edition has been fully revised and updated, and adds more than 150 new entries. These focus particularly upon recent terminology, institutions, and safety measures coined or introduced since the economic crash of 2008-9, including reactions to the crisis such...
Tania Książka
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In recent years, the world has been rocked by major economic crises, most notably the devastating collapse of Lehman Brothers, the largest bankruptcy in American history, which triggered the breathtakingly destructive sub-prime disaster. What sparks these vast economic calamities? Why do our economic policy makers fail to protect us from such...
Tania Książka
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Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing

A step-by-step guide to successful mobile marketing strategies Go from zero to sixty with this practical book that helps you craft and deploy mobile marketing strategies for everything from brand building to lead generation and sales. As part of the popular do-it-yourself, Hour A Day series, this new book is full of advice, practical tips, and...
Tania Książka
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The First Knowledge Economy

The First Knowledge Economy

Ever since the Industrial Revolution debate has raged about the sources of the new, sustained western prosperity. Margaret Jacob here argues persuasively for the critical importance of knowledge in Europe's economic transformation during the period from 1750 to 1850, first in Britain and then in selected parts of northern and western Europe. This...
Tania Książka
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The Analytics of Uncertainty and Information

The Analytics of Uncertainty and Information

There has been explosive progress in the economic theory of uncertainty and information in the past few decades. This subject is now taught not only in departments of economics but also in professional schools and programs oriented toward business, government and administration, and public policy. This book attempts to unify the subject matter in a...
Tania Książka
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Poczet krółów polskich

Poczet krółów polskich

Niniejszy poczet prezentuje sylwetki najważniejszych polskich władców od czasów Mieszka I do Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego, obejmujac tyym samym przeszło dziewieć stuleci naszej historii....
Tania Książka
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