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Kwatery wojenne Hitlera

Kwatery wojenne Hitlera


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Zysk i S-ka (uprz)
ISBN: 9788375060713
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
Führerhauptquartier, czyli kwatera główna wodza, była w latach II wojny światowej centrum dowodzenia, z którego Hitler osobiście kierował działaniami sił zbrojnych III rzeszy. Mieściła się w różnych obiektach, początkowo był to pociąg specjalny, który w miarę upływu czasu był modyfikowany i udoskonalany. Po kampanii wrześniowej w Polsce kwatera...
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America's Forgotten Constitutions

America's Forgotten Constitutions

The U.S. Constitution opens by proclaiming the sovereignty of all citizens: "We the People." Robert Tsai's gripping history of alternative constitutions invites readers into the circle of those who have rejected this ringing assertion--the defiant groups that refused to accept the Constitution's definition of who "the people" are and how their...
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Pokonaj stres

Pokonaj stres


Autor: Richard Templar

Wydawnictwo: Zysk i S-ka (uprz)
ISBN: 8372984921
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
Autor podaje cenne informacje niezbędne do skutecznego wykorzystania ostatnich chwil przed upływem terminu oraz pomysłowe wskazówki, jak szybko zapanować nad stresem, nie przestając pracować na najwyższych obrotach...
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Immigration Economics

Immigration Economics

Millions of people--nearly 3 percent of the world's population--no longer live in the country where they were born. Every day, migrants enter not only the United States but also developed countries without much of a history of immigration. Some of these nations have switched in a short span of time from being the source of immigrants to being a...
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Soaring income inequality and unemployment, expanding populations of the displaced and imprisoned, accelerating destruction of land and water bodies: today's socioeconomic and environmental dislocations cannot be fully understood in the usual terms of poverty and injustice, according to Saskia Sassen. They are more accurately understood as a type...
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The World's First Stock Exchange

The World's First Stock Exchange

The launch of the Dutch East India Company in 1602 initiated Amsterdam's transformation from a regional market town into a dominant financial center. The Company introduced easily transferable shares, and within days buyers had begun to trade them. Soon the public was engaging in a variety of complex transactions, including forwards, futures,...
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